#MENAMay – "If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English" by Noor Naga: Unraveling the Complexities of Power and Relationships in Cairo

Noor Naga's captivating novel, "If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English," takes readers on a compelling journey through the bustling streets of Cairo, where power dynamics and relationships intertwine to create a deeply ambivalent narrative. The story unapologetically delves into the push and pull of power, exploring how characters alternate between wielding authority and being subject to it.

The protagonist, an American of Egyptian descent, finds herself in a unique and challenging position as a foreigner in Egypt. While her nationality grants her a certain level of privilege, she also faces vulnerability due to her lack of familiarity with the city's intricacies. This vulnerability is further heightened by her status as a woman in a society with distinct cultural norms.

In contrast, we meet a man from Shobrakheit, an Egyptian village, who navigates Cairo with ease and familiarity. Despite his struggles with poverty and addiction, he possesses an intimate knowledge of the city's history, geography, and culture. This local insight provides him with a form of power that the protagonist cannot easily access, adding a dynamic layer to their relationship.

As the two characters' lives intersect, their power dynamics become increasingly pronounced, creating a delicate and precarious balance. The novel compellingly explores how each character "others" the other, reflecting on the biases and preconceptions that can shape relationships.

Noor Naga skillfully avoids one-dimensional characterizations, infusing the protagonist with depth beyond being seen merely as some dumb westerner and the man as more than just a poor, struggling guy. This nuanced approach allows the novel to delve into the intricacies of their identities and how these intersect within the context of their relationship.

Throughout the narrative, Naga weaves insightful and thought-provoking passages that resonate deeply with readers. These moments of introspection highlight the characters' struggles and internal conflicts, shedding light on the complexities of their emotions and motivations.

"If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English" is a book that demands to be experienced from cover to cover. Naga's storytelling surprises and challenges readers, keeping them engaged with the diverse layers of detail and complexity. The novel offers an authentic and thought-provoking exploration of power, relationships, and identity.

In conclusion, "If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English" by Noor Naga is a powerful novel that skillfully unravels the intricacies of power dynamics and relationships in the vibrant city of Cairo. With its evocative storytelling and rich character development, the book leaves a lasting impression, urging readers to question their own perceptions and beliefs about power and identity.