
There's a heterogeneity between feeling depressed and actually being depressed. Depression is not feeling bad for an hour or two of the day, it's about feeling down in mouth for the whole day. Don't press the panic button yet, let's just comprehend whether you are actually depressed or not.

Depression is a black sheep, we all know that. We all feel depressed sometimes, but drawing breath with depression is no good at all. Mental illness, on the whole, is no joke, and being depressed is as just as bad. As an experienced person, You can't just snap out of depression, some people actually do need special treatment. To cut it short, here are some symptoms of depression;
  • Thoughts of death or suicide,
  • Feelings of discouragement,
  • Misery,
  • Difficulty in concentrating,
  • Decreased energy,
  • Appetite and/or weight changes,
  • A sad, anxious, or “empty” mood,
  • Endless physical symptoms.   
If you happen to have at least 2 of the symptoms mentioned above, you're most likely depressed.

But we're not all carbon copy, everyone has their own shape of depression. And there's no "one-size-fits-all" for therapy. 
As weird as it gets, depression chooses people with no sound mind at all, but sometimes losing someone you love or going through some rigour is just the cause.

Depression knocks the door of millions of teenagers every year, but only a few of them seeks medical help or even gets noticed by their parents.

Your mental health doesn't define who you are, you should never feel shamefaced from your self. Everyone goes through hard times in their lives and you should always talk to someone you feel loose-fitting with. 

Healing doesn't have to look fairylike or pleasant, real healing is hard, exhausting and fatiguing. Let yourself go through it, and be there for you.

And remember,

It's all about time.