How Feminism is Necessary for EVERY One of Us

I bet you heard (at least once) this irritating question that makes zero sense: “how does feminism benefit me as a man?”

This question reflects an immense aura of ignorance and selfishness; as if fighting for a human’s right to live is something extra and dramatic. Some people, despite the hectic rush of spreading education and awareness, choose to ‘unsee’ the world and even have the audacity to deny the existence of flagrant issues and categorise them as overreactions. These people are most probably the same people who translate feminism to man-hatred.

Even though it is supposedly normal to support feminism without expecting benefits towards you as a man –out of mere humanity—, here is a big surprise: the patriarchal lifestyle is hurting you too. Yes, there is male privilege, but it’s disguised toxicity. Think of it: the society which glorifies you to the extent of preventing you from washing dishes is the same society which forces you into bottling up your emotions and feelings and fears, pretty much throwing you into a dark pit of dehumanisation. So, it is obvious that feminism is aiming for gender equality, and equality in simple words means that everyone gets to live and have the same opportunities –nobody is deprived of their rights.

Statistically speaking, studies show that countries in which gender equality is entrenched have an overall higher quality life than countries in which gender inequality is common. In addition, mental wellbeing is noticeably better.

The presence of gender equality naturally builds decent human beings, and this leads to fewer crimes –especially gender-based violence. So, dear whoever wondered how feminism will positively impact your own life, I guess you don’t want to live in an unsafe society even if you personally couldn’t feel the danger because, hey, you don’t have a clue who could ever be a victim (and I sincerely pray that nobody becomes a victim) and if uncivilised actions keep creeping in, nobody is safe.

Another point is toxic masculinity aka a set of repressive cultural norms which build your ‘status’ as a man. Lack of emotions, physical strength, establishing dominance, ‘boys will be boys’ –congratulations, society has approved of you as a man. Even expressions such as ‘man up’ are reflections of toxic masculinity –why on earth isn’t courage or any ‘strong’ quality simply labelled as ‘how a person acted perfectly well in a certain difficult situation’? Culture didn’t really have to boldly highlight such traits with its favourite blue highlighter. Also, we aren’t supposed to be strong and fearless and heroic all the time; it’s difficult and rather illogical. Sometimes we need to embrace our feelings, to have a break for a while, and this doesn’t offend you in any way.

Pushing men too far is never a proof of their ‘manhood’. Please understand that it’s okay to have a rush of emotions and you’ve to lovingly understand them, it’s okay to feel scared or confused, it’s okay to get out of the closet in which you’ve been born in. Please understand that being nice and decent is something we all should be (kindly stop inserting the word ‘simp’ because it isn’t cool or funny, it’s rude). Educating yourself is something you should be doing and spreading awareness amongst your ‘bros’ is necessary for everyone’s own good.

And again, equality will provide each one of us with a humane life. It was never against you, but privilege lies.