love's a game

I've noticed lately that a lot of people around me have been getting crushes or liking other people and it has made me realise how different it is to have a crush on someone, to like someone, to love someone and to fall in love with someone.

Having a crush and liking someone is the most common, loving someone is the same but with a little bit more passion, as for falling in love, it needs to be with the one and it's really rare to meet the one so I don't think I've ever met someone who's been in love before.

And though loving someone is as rare as it is passionate, people still try to make their love interest love them by playing games.


Have you ever heard of the push & pull strategy before? If not then you've probably never had a crush on someone who seemed so inconsistent. Sometimes they'll say sweet stuff, then they'll friendzone you, send you hearts, then they'll get closer to other people and ignore you, you feel so confused and you're faced by a lot of mixed signals and you feel like maybe this is it, maybe I should give up, but in reality this person likes you back and wants you as much as you want them but they just wanna know if this relationship is worth it, if this relationship will be able to stand its ground while all of these obstacles are being thrown its way...... or they might just be toying or flirting with you, nothing too serious, but you'll never really know!


Another game is the friendzoning, it might've been used as an example in the P&P strategy but it is as strong of a game on its own as the P&P strategy is. They'll call you friend, they'll call themselves your friend -even tho you never said they were- and they'll even call you "siblings," but why do they do that? Maybe they think you don't like them so they're trying to make it seem like they don't like you either -even though they do- or maybe they're trying to see how you'll react, or maybe they really don't like you, you'll never really know!

Playing Hard to Get

One more game is the playing hard to get game, in this game they won't simply P&P, they'll deada*s only push and push until you feel like they don't even like you, which might be the case, maybe you're being delusional or too clingy, or they do like you and want you to fight for them and make effort, they want validation, but again, you'll never really know!


Then we have the jealousy game, which is my least favourite. Here, they'll get closer to other people, spend more time with other people, joke and laugh more around other people, but still be the same person whose actions scream "I like you!" when it's just the two of you, which leaves you hella confused and puzzled and pissed off because you'll never know if they behave the same way when they're alone with other people or not, and that might be it, maybe they're just overly friendly with everyone, or maybe they're trying to act close to other people around you just to see you fighting for them and making effort to get closer to them again, but you'll never really know!

Dropping the Handkerchief

Last but definitely not least, the "dropping the handkerchief" move. It might seem like an old feminine game to you, but believe me when I say that it's still here in our modern day society and it's played by people of all genders and no genders, they can ask you for a lighter, a pen or help with something, anything really, which will leave you confused because you don't know if they simply need help or if they're asking you, and you specifically, for help just because they want to interact more with you, because they like you, and regardless to how obvious you think this game is, you'll never really know!

At the end of the day, love's a game to most people regardless to how serious of a relationship they want because most people enjoy the chase more than the relationship itself but what does that mean to you? This is something for you to decide. Do you wanna join the game or do you wanna be straightforward when it comes to love?