[1019] Colours

This month of October, we present to you the latest instalment of our monthly photo collection series, Colours!

“May your eye go to the Sun, to the Wind your soul... You are all the colours in one, at full brightness.”
Jennifer Niven.

R E D ] 

Red is the first colour humans perceive after black and white. It's the colour babies first see when they are born, and the first colour temporarily colours blind people see when they start to regain their sight. Passion, love, lust and desire are all words that come to mind when the word red is said. The colour red has a strong bond with emotion, red is power, it's courage and adventure. Red isn't for the weak, it's for the bold, the spontaneous. Its different shades depict every feeling we have, from as light as rose to as dark as burgundy, red depicts beauty in the form of love, infused in every rose we receive from our lovers, yet scarlet red portrays horror, blood and violence. Red is not only in our emotions but all around us. It's in the skies during a beautiful sunset and in the stop signs in the streets. It's the colour of a ripe watermelon on a sunny summer day, and wounds that leave memories in your mind and on your body. It's the colour of your heart that creates these feelings. Red is in all of us."

[ Y E L L O W ]

We can say it is our daily colour, but why I am saying that?
Look around you, what colour do you first see? It’s the colour yellow, the sun colour. The beginning of any heat source, the colour your eyes catch faster than any other colour. It is the hope, the colour of the sunshine and happiness. It is the colour your senses feel deeper than any other. So if you love this colour, congratulations reader!
You are a unique person filled with energy, so don’t waste this feature and start doing something different!'

G R E E N ]

"Green’s our hero colour. You’d be surprised by how being associated with the colour green can easily brighten up your day and make you feel alive. Simply, when you see any green around you, know that it represents positive energy and renewal. You want to feel safe today? Wear green. You’re feeling generous? Wear green. It’s your go-to colour for everything. However, it does also represent money, jealousy and greedy natures, but you only think of it that way when you’re seeing half green. Broaden your minds. See the full green."

B L U E ]

The colour of depth and power,
the intermediate between green and violet.
A colour of peace and beauty,
like the colour of the sky and sea on a sunny day.
Used to symbolize piety and sincerity in heraldry.  
Blue is the colour of the soul, the peace of them all.
Blue means cold, 
but it's truly a heart that never gets old.
They say love is blue, 
green with jealousy and violet with care.
Blue is a trait we all share...
Blue means you're someone with no mistakes, someone who gives and never takes.
Someone who thinks about others,
A person who lives with no covers.
A colour of different dimensions 
Like people of different intentions 
Complex but easy to figure.
With fears that only gets bigger. 
Maybe time makes them duller.
But I know that blue is more of a trait than it is of a colour."

[ P U R P L E ]

A colour formed by adding a little bit of blue to an abundance of red, maybe even a drop of white or yellow to get the correct pigmentation. Purple means magic, space, royalty, but with a dash of pink, it’ll turn into seduction and eroticism. However, purple is much more than that. If your favourite colour is purple, then you’re a negotiator; you have a strong desire to please those around you, and that makes you liked among your people. Nevertheless, you’re not as trusting; you don’t confide easily in others and you enjoy a slight sense of mystery, which’s also what purple stands for. Purple is a complex colour, but so are humans."

[ B L A C K ]

"Black (the outcast)
"Black is neither a colour nor a shade"
Power, fear, authority, rebellion, mystery, formality, elegance, and death are all feelings people relate to the outcast. Even though it has some type of identity loss; it is never a colour anybody related to confusion, in fact, black is required for depth and variation. Black is too recognized and acknowledged for an outsider, it is the only representation of the fact that minorities that lack a definition can actually have a chance for recognition or that they can find a speciality in what they lack. Black lacks light, even from a scientific point of view it lacks wavelength. It is highly embraced by fashion though, during the 14th century it was the colour for elites and people of high-class, up till now it is considered a representation of wealth and sophistication in fashion. People's love for black is a big indicator of their independence and determination yet it also represents being restricted and contained. I also like to think that it represents confusion and diplomacy. Always remember we all share something with the colour black, something that no other colour has, and let's all hope that we are black enough to be loved and acknowledged for what we lack than what we master."

[ W H I T E ]

"The colour white: 
The white colour is a neutral colour which evokes feelings of purity and innocence. 
However, its representation may differ from a culture to another. 
In Eastern cultures, the white colour is often used in mourning rituals and funerals as it’s found to be expressive to their sorrow and sadness, it’s jointly linked to their emotions.
In Western cultures, without a shadow of a doubt, it’s reversely represented. It’s often associated with weddings conveying the start of a new life, erasing the trace of any badly-impactful experiences, however, it’s also connected to hospitals. 
Once one enters a hospital, his feelings start being in anguish as white walls and rooms of a hospital seem quite spacious, even if they’re not, yet unfriendly.
Colours and emotions are scrupulously linked which results in affecting our behaviours. 
Bottom line: people who tend to like or love this very specific colour are usually known by a couple of characteristics like equality, idealism, simplicity and sophistication, but also, they can be bland and cold due to their frequent sense of inaccessibility in addition to the case of alexithymia they might have ( A case in which expressing their emotions is hard to them) . 
Finally, it remains a very delicate colour."

[ F I N . ]