A Dear Goodbye

Dear life,

I need a plan, I’m falling apart like a tiny flower from a reddish-spring growing tree. I seem to be quite beautiful because it’s the only relevant reason why they pick up on me. I seem to be reckless and the fact that I’m , people need to understand that an act is worth a hundred words, I’m in no need for some said promises , I’m indeed in need for these that are acted.

I need a plan in which its connecting threads are friends of mine; I need no enemies.

I need a plan in order to relive believing in myself again..

Nevertheless, when I put a plan with various threads, with beautiful colours sprinkled on the tips of each page, yet my own friends seemed to be my enemies.

I brutally tried whispering to my easily-shattered soul

“Don’t you worry, they’re good people”

I used to repeat the phrase

“They love you” until it became an echo even that deaf side I had heard it.

They were my past friends and now they’re the present enemies.

I keep wondering how much is my pain the medicine to theirs but I was mistaken, I thought they felt pain too.

 They’re cold-blooded, no hearts are found.. If I could just be dead then my blood would be their go-to as a breakfast drink so they could apprehend any changes in their swinging moods.

My skull would be the decoration for their hosts so they could admire how much the two holes of which my eyes have been bulged outlook glamorous and narrate the stories of their triumph upon me, little did they know what they’ll be facing.

I’m not weak, and never will be, but that madness you’re used to, always irks me. I’m more of a fan of my own peace and tranquillity.

Neither one of them aches me. Every time, I see someone falling apart and witnessing himself failing miserably, I’d always tell him that he is doing great even if he wasn’t, at least he was trying.

I’ve been trying my best to live in that graveyard you call life but the souls around me pay lots of visits, they’re always moaning and looking forward to meeting mine.

I guess then I came as a quite unexpected visitor.

On my trip, I’d like to confess that I wasn’t 100% vulnerable , I kept pursuing my hobbies to be known by people and my name to be remembered because I want to save it , save it from forgetting, I’m sure that I was a kind person , maybe not all think so but I’ve been trying to be so .

I know it’s not my fault that people are trying to be filthy, it’s probably theirs for letting those devils scramble filth on them.

People’s ignorance is a brutal thunder and it’s always the rain that makes it compatible for us to bear.

Be sure that I’ll be fine and know if you’re kind, we’ll meet soon.

My best regards,

Once a happy soul.