Letters to the lost part2

To you, 
I promised myself not to write to you again but I miss the mornings when I’d wake up safe. I promised not to acknowledge you anymore now that I am finally out, but I cannot help but miss a piece buried deeply within the bones of you. Sometimes I hold back from saying I’m sorry, you were hurting, you didn’t know how to deal with it, I heard your heart break every night from our thin walls, I’d collect the broken glass pieces every morning whispering secretly ‘I promise you, it will end’. I promised myself I’ll help you as long as we are not in the same hell hole. I don’t know why, but the only thing running in my mind is your demons, you don’t have to thank me. I took away your demons, yes I know, they now love mine. I said I’d forever be there if you ever gave me a reason why I am the only one who’s getting burn scars in their sleep, but the word forever has the letters ‘ O V E R ‘ in them. Held your hand a bit tighter in the stormy nights after she left, thought you’d do the same when the daylight come and her favorite part of the day’d come. But you don’t hold my hand no more. Your heart isn’t breaking no more. Your eyes aren’t red no more. Your tears aren’t shed no more. You aren’t here no more. I hope you is at ease now, I hope you finally met her again. I promise you daddy, I’m coming soon to you and mom. 

Nagla Aly Khalifa