Read This If You Want Just One Reason to Live

Well, this is your sign. I believe that the universe gives us signs during our lives. I don't know your story, so I'm not going to say you're selfish from over here on my couch. I don't even know what you are facing. But do you know what I do know? That at least, there's one person who would die for you without a second thought. I understand that you might deny this now. I used to. But look at your siblings. Look at your parents. I know you might not be close with them, but that doesn't deny the fact that they love you. Your existence means something, for the people around you and for the world. So if that "I just want a reason to live for" thought crossed your mind; hello! I'm the sign the universe sent to you.

Do you like books? If you do then you, of course, you know how it feels like when you buy a new one and add it on your shelf. Or when you close your eyes for a while when reading and imagine the characters. Or when you find a character that's just like you. Or when a couple of lines creep their way into your heart and hit you so hard that you reread them another time. Or when you finish your book and those happy and sad emotions hit you because you loved the book so much. Movies. You know how it feels like when you pick a random movie but it's so good. So good that you call it your new favourite. Or when you find an actor you love in a movie when you didn't know they were there. Don't you like music? Do you know what it feels like when you listen to a new song for the first time and it's so accurate to your current situation? When the lyrics perfectly describe your unspoken feelings.

Let me speak generally now. That feeling that you get even for even one second in a long while; that feeling might have not been felt by you for years. But close your eyes and recall it. Recall when you felt so happy, maybe because of a new notebook you bought or the way you were so excited when you were just 7 looking at a trampoline. Or when you make someone smile when they're sad. When you are with your friends and you think you can't trade them for anything in the entire world. If I gave you all the reasons to live for, I would never finish my piece right now. But what I need to tell you is that there are thousands of reasons to live for, if not more. You just have to look a little harder. Life has ups and downs and I know how many times you've heard this. And you think that you've been in the downs for far too long. But cheer up, friend. That means that your ups will be much longer!

The most simple reason to live I can give you is: live for the moment you're happy again. Wait for it. Trust me, I was once just like you. But whenever all those hard days pass, trust me, friend, you'll be so surprised by how strong you are. Now you got your sign, you have no excuse now. Go do something you really love. Go live for every single moment.; for the hard ones and the easy ones. Because even the hard ones are lines from your own book. Go live to the max, my friend. The universe is telling you, go live!