To Be Honest

To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; is not as easy as everyone says it is.

Some people pretend they are always truthful, however, the truth in my opinion is according to the beholder.

In other words, sometimes I see only few details out of the bigger picture, and I speak of what I know accordingly.

But that's not necessarily truthful, and it could actually cause harm to others if I speak only about the part that I know.

I know I sound like I'm saying that everyone is deceitful and that we all lie in a way or another,
but that's not exactly what I am saying.

Remember the picture that I only saw a few details of?

Well, someone else saw the bigger picture and missed the details I saw; together we have a complete picture.

So if we can only start accepting each other's perspectives and truths, we shall find peace somewhere in between.