
Awkwardness is something we all know and experience, and personally -being the awkward person I am- I know it a bit too well. 

I go through awkward situations on the daily, from accidentally blurting out my thoughts to weird hugs and funny interactions, I’ve had my fair share of “awkwardness.”

I can never forget the time I walked over to person A to ask them to turn the lights on only to find out that they’re person B and asking them how their day is going and then walking away because I didn’t even know person B all that well. And as soon as I heard people laughing I thought they were laughing at me. 

But, in all honesty, I can’t say that “they were probs laughing at something else,” because they most certainly might’ve been laughing at what’ve happened with me and, if they did, then they were laughing at the interaction itself, and not me as a person. 

Besides all of that, you can’t be awkward alone, awkwardness doesn’t work that way, it’s a two-way street, it takes two to tango, yadda yadda yadda. My point is, just like how the spider is as afraid of you as you are of it, the person you were awkward around probably felt as awkward as you did. And even though this is probably the reason why you feel discomfort -because you made the other person feel awkward- they still felt that same discomfort -because they made you feel awkward. 

All in all, if you ever go through an awkward interaction with anyone, try not to follow it up with more awkward interactions, just move on from it as fast as you can and act natural, this way they’ll start acting natural around you too and you’ll both be acting natural and you both will go back to being normal people and not awkward peeps -like me. 

Anyhow, as always, the comments section is, always, down below so if you have anything to say at all make sure to comment and I won’t be replying to the comments to leave space for the readers to freely voice their thoughts and opinions! 

Have a great  day / afternoon / evening !!