How To Cut Off Sugar Once, And Forever.

Cutting off sugar isn't one of the easiest things you can do. But today, ill give you some straightforward hacks for taking your sweet tooth out of play. Ready?

  Recurrently, the munchies are always for sugar and fats, and in this case, maintaining a healthy diet is almost inaccessible. Food cravings are caused by the regions of the brain that are responsible for memory, pleasure, and reward. An imbalance of hormones such as leptin and serotonin can also cause food crunches. 

The idea here is to fend off those cravings by eating healthier back-ups, and here's how you can do it.

Cut down on sugar with these tiptops;

1- Brick wall the table sugar [white and brown]

2- Add fruits [lots of 'em] 

3- Eat regularly.

4- Try to hook in protein/ fat with each meal 

5- Move your body.

6- Swap out the soda.

7- Choose whole foods 

8- Drink lots of water 

9- Sleep well 

10- Manage stress levels.

11- Never eat BREAD [as it contains very high amounts of sugar, unexpectedly]

12- Prevent the regular consumption of non-dairy milk

13- NO FROZEN MEALS [ they contain  huge percentages of sugar and believe me, you want to know more]

You're probably now asking oneself, why should I even cut off sugar? And the answer is a no-brainer. 

The Dangers Of Sugar, 

Not all sugar is terrible for you. Natural sources like from fruit, honey, and maple syrup are not as from processed sugars and HFCS [high fructose corn syrup] but it’s still possible to overdo it. 

So now why should you avoid sugar from first place?? 

1- Believe it or not, sugar provides fuel for cancer cells.

2- Causes your body to produce less leptin which is needed for your appetite regulation.

3- Disrupts how amino acids transfer to muscles.

4- Can lead to type 2 diabetes by sourcing insulin resistance 

5- Promotes weight gain

6-  Induces oxidative stress 

7-  Impairs the function of white blood cells

8- It hurts your heart 

Don’t lose your nerve yet, all you have to do right now is child's play, detox.


this detox is composed of 7 simple steps, 

1- Hydrate your body well and drink unsweetened, fresh drinks and green herbs.

2- Protein and fat are your allies.

3- Taste the different colours of the rainbow, eat lots of colourful foods and veggies. 

4- Prepare yourself mentally for it.

5- Workout a lot [try HIIT].

6- Get plenty of healthy carbs.

7- Eat high-protein meals in the morning.

Follow these steps for 7-10 days and you'll chuck out all the junky sugar in your body.

What actually happens when you cut off sugar?

well, cutting off sugar will lead to out of the blue results, let’s see what happens

1- You will look beardless.

"sugar equals wrinkles," says Anthony Youn, MD, a plastic surgeon. "sugar causes glycation which deforms the collagen and elastin in our skin" so yeah, you'll look younger in no time!

2- You'll become happier.

You probably think eating cookies will make you happier, but sugar ingestion has actually been connected to higher rates of depression. So take your mood swings to the airport, for now at least.


The part we're all waiting for. Since an average person consumes 350 calories from only sugar per day, you'll have a higher chance to get that body you want in no time.

4- Bye colds.

yup, you read it right, eating high amounts of sugar actually shuts down our immune system for up to 30 mins. Which means staying in bed for some extra time and missing you very favourite Thursday hangouts

5- You'll have a good night sleep.

If you eat something high in sugar before you go to bed, you might rob the ability to have that good night sleep you're looking for. people can develop low blood sugar and night sweats, which might make it harder for you to catch some Zzz before going to school or work.

After all, cutting of sugar is one of the best things you can ever forgo for the sake of your body and health. You can always look for other alternatives to fuel your sweet tooth with. And remember to reward yourself with a piece of chocolate from time to time. 

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