mountains and people.

hi, i'm alive. it's been months since i posted last time but here i am again in between my pillows and blankets to write all about the last five days. i know that this time i'm not writing a story but i just wanted my point of view to be visible as i pour my heart out.

let's just start by saying that happy had no meaning until the 24th of January.  for the first time ever, i travelled to south sinai and i can truly say i'm blessed. let me begin with mousa mountain; from being dressed up like a polar bear at 12 am to standing on top of the world at 6:30 am it was all so surreal. first of all, hiking a 2,285 m mountain while it's -7 degrees is far from easy, yet it's all about pushing your limits so you could reach your goal and this time it was watching the sun rising from beneath you surrounded by clouds and mountains. no words could ever describe what i was feeling when i finally reached the top and watched as the sun was setting home. being welcomed by the warmth is nothing but simply beautiful.

now, let me move on to people. let's just say that i am never really that close with the rest of my fellow seniors but this trip proved me that even if they can be problematic and dumb sometimes (if you're reading this i'm sorry i love you hehe) they'll forever be the people i grew up with and cherish so thank you for giving me the chance to bond with you all and for creating some amazing memories from our last year together. not only did i have fun spending time with my friends, but i also am very grateful for the new people i met who helped me to carry on this trip with a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. they taught me that people can be kind without knowing you for a long time and people with pure hearts still exist. thank you for not letting me give up and for making my time a lot more fun.

finally, thank you to south sinai and for the last five days that made me the wings of my heart flutter from happiness.

i wish i can get another chance to redo it all over again.