[0120] emotions.

For this month of January, we present to you the latest instalment of our monthly photo collections series, emotions., by Seif Nafea!

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”
― Helen Keller.

[ determination ] 

“In the eyes of the prey, I am the undefined power. I have the strength within my soul, visible through my veins, the look of determination brings chills to my opponents. I am implacable, I am ruthless and untamable. I am your greatest wish and the most painful punishment.”

hope ]

It's always been a negotiating matter of what hope is like. People be describing it differently but it's always felt the same. Just like a stuffed puppy toy with his flawless eyes that are more like an emotional anchor. Remember how as kids we used to fall in love with that very specific character in cartoons, we only fell in love with the fact that there was hope.  Hope will always and forever be that emotion that's more like a gust of wind, an emotion that runs your blood vividly to keep you alive once your heart starts becoming lifeless.”

[ happiness ]

“Faces. Faces tell the whole story, the wrinkles around the eyes and mouth signifying happiness at most, and lines on the forehead showing stress and hardships. You can look at a person and guess their aura, or the energy they emit. You could look at a person and see their pure hearts shinning in their smiles, you could see the veins popping from their skin, you can guess the hard work in their words, you can feel the softness and warmth in their actions, you can feel the bliss of their presence. Some people’s smiles show you that the world is okay, some people’s faith reminds you of your own, and their acceptance of fate eases your pain. Some people lead very simple lives, yet their presence is as warm as a furry jacket on a cold rainy day, and as calming as a river when the night is still. Some people are not significant figures in our lives, yet them crossing our lives every once in awhile reminds us of the little good hidden in the world. They are as significant as one can be.”

[ confidence ]

“She was the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes upon and Confidence was her name. People believed that she was the strongest person they have ever met. She was successful and loved by everyone. She had the brightest smile you could ever see, brighter than the sun itself, everyone knew she never cried. Everyone knew that Confidence is perfect, but everyone is wrong. Confidence cries till her eyes are blood red. Confidence has downtimes, she isn't the strongest and she definitely isn't the happiest always. Confidence feels unloved sometimes. Confidence doesn't love every curve of her body and every curl of her hair. Confidence comes and go. When she comes I enjoyed her presence with my arms wrapped around her and my eyes sparkling; when she leaves I don't dwell her loss instead I embrace my insecurity and I try fixing my heart so it would be a warm home for her when she comes.”

[ acclimatation ]

“But that's not where I've always wanted to be, not even close" my head whispers at the beginning of every day. It's not where I had seen myself 10 years ago in my dreams and definitely wasn't my answer to "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" question when I was eight. However, I'm tryna acclimate to a lifestyle that's imposed on me, to an environment that I never once fit it but deep down my heart, I still daydream about how I wanted to grow up when I was eight.”

[ fear ]

“Have you ever felt your heart beating so fast, so fast it could jump out of your chest any moment, so fast it could stop at any second and you wouldn't notice. The type of beating that pains you and numbs you at the same time, you feel so cold yet so hot, your legs are trembling and you can't stand up straight. Sweat is dripping on your forehead yet it feels like an ice bucket has been poured on your stunned body. Have you ever felt your mind pausing? Have you ever felt your numerous thoughts clouding your brain that you can't even remember how to breathe, and your breath hitches suddenly and for a moment you think you'll be unable to take another? Have you felt the shivers running down your spine and the lump in your throat as you struggle to calculate your next move, being so doubtful of every decision you're about to make yet so sure of the danger surrounding you at that very second? Have you ever been lonely? Did you spend dark, quiet nights alone in a corner wondering if you're safe, or if someone knows about you? Have you felt the danger and risks out there in the world? Have you felt fear?”

[ F I N . ]