Freshman year 101

I have read and heard countless advice about the transition from school to college. none of them was close to reality. when you are a college freshman you don't need to be told that those are going to be the best years of your life, or that you are going to graduate one day. you want to be given a guide about how you can survive this place and this is exactly what I am here to do. ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 4 things you need to know about university.

don't compare university to school
save yourself and every one the self-loathing and DONT COMPARE UNIVERSITY TO SCHOOL, they are not the same and don't expect them to be, to enjoy college you are going to have to see it for the way it is. while school is the place for people to learn, college is the total opposite. college is where reality hits you hard in the face, but don't worry you will survive and hopefully get used to it.

don't think logically
college is not logical or valid. you are going to be asked to do the most useless tasks on earth. so no you are not here for valid critical education you are here to do what you are told, so you can get your desired grades, and get your diploma. educational content is not that much of a priority in uni.

having doubts is okay
with the midterms ending you are automatically going to find yourself and everyone around you considering switching majors or moving universities. no, you are not an alien we all do it and we all have experienced the thought. no matter how much you dreamed or worked to be in this university and study that major you are going to have doubts at one point or another in the semester. don't let the stress cloud your vision and take a small break to think it through.

think of a career
remember that your average person has a college degree. you have to at least have an idea of what track you want to take after university so you can start working on it. in the 21st century, a college degree is not enough to be qualified for a job. to be able to keep up with the work market you have to set goals and work for them. so you can have a lot to add to your cv next to the diploma. work on doing something different and standing out.

Well, university IS fun and they are going to be the best years of your life. make sure you make the best out of those years because what you get done in them is going to matter so much in the near and far future. lastly, make friends and be nice to everyone leave something precious so this place can remember you with. You will absolutely hate it and love it!