6 Ways To Fall Asleep Faster

Recently, a lot of us have messed up our sleeping schedule and can neither fix it nor sleep whenever we want. Some even (me included) can’t sleep at night for no particular reason. If you think there’s no way to go back to your normal sleeping times, then here are some ways I try to manage my sleep with-and most of them are pretty effective!

1.  Waking up an hour early

As kids, we were always told to go to bed earlier in order to sleep earlier. Well, that’s completely false! As a matter of fact, waking up an hour early can result in sleeping earlier on the same day and determining the best time to sleep. That way, you will get sufficient sleep for the day and you won’t drift into sleep out of nowhere.

2.  Taking baths/ hot showers

Baths and hot showers are known to ease the body muscles. Thus, doing that before sleeping allows your body to relax and eventually gets you in the mood for sleep and makes it easier for you to fall asleep. For instance, you can take a bath/ hot shower before sleeping if you feel too alert and wide awake, it will definitely help!

3.    Journaling

Additionally, writing down your thoughts or something that happened throughout your day can clear up your mind. Therefore, it can really help when something is keeping you up from sleep at night. This can be seen in writing and drawing to let out your feelings and thoughts, since letting out your creativity in the form of words-or even any form of art that expresses you best-really helps when it comes to letting go of whatever occupies too much space in your mind.

4.     Reflecting on your day

Similar to journaling, this is a really good habit to stick to and is of great help when you’re trying to sleep. Clearly, it can just be sitting with yourself and talking, thinking, or maybe writing quick points about what you have done on that certain day. Not only reviewing your actions but also finding solutions to them will consequently help you sleep if feeling guilty or troubled is the reason keeping you awake. In other words, it's both a great way for developing one’s self and to get rid of obstacles standing in the way of your sleep.

5.     Watching a light-hearted TV show/ movie

That’s something I personally do to help me get in the mood for sleeping. Regularly, I watch an animated tv show that isn’t too complicated or overwhelming, just something to clear my mind or get me in the mood for sleeping. The single episode is just 20 minutes, so I tend to think one or two episodes are usually enough to help fall asleep faster.

6.     Watching what you eat/drink and when

We all know for sure that drinking caffeine right before sleep disrupts the process. Alternatively, a soothing drink can definitely be of more help. Most significantly, if you’re on a high carb diet, make sure to eat your last meal at least 4 hours before bedtime, in order to digest the meal properly. Accordingly, I usually don’t eat or drink much before going to sleep, and if I do, it’s usually a cup of yoghurt.