
For this month of July, we present to you the latest instalment of our monthly photo collections, skyview, by Purple Cigarette!

I was falling. Falling through time and space and stars and sky and everything in between. I fell for days and weeks and what felt like lifetime across lifetimes. I fell until I forgot I was falling. 
― Jess Rothenberg, The Catastrophic History of You and Me.

[ o n e ] 

“Beauty and Grace:
The bigger of a fan I grow of raw beauty, the more I’m sure that it is definitely in the eye of the beholder. For how can you tell me I’m missing any of it when the skies hugging me are so perfect, and I have been created by the same creator? Blue, orange, yellow and pink painted all over the world -I must be a secret shade in an undiscovered palette. For there is beauty and grace in my voluminous hair, laugh lines, stretch marks and crooked teeth. I am beauty and grace like the planet I inhabit. And before any beholders can confirm that, I choose to confirm it first.”

t w o ]

“dear earth, you have lived your whole life mastering the art of giving us treasures. you gave us raw empty lands and flowing rivers. yellows that form sun-rays. blues that form moons sparkles that form their way into the stars. it’s all a masterpiece, but maybe we aren’t really into art. i never knew that heaven can oh so quickly turn into hell. on this land, flowers once grew petal by petal  but our eyes didn’t appreciate the beauty, we were so intimidated by the thorns. on this land where flowers once grew, now lives the borders we made. on this sky, where birds once roared, tearful rains now arise. on this river where water once flowed,  the blood of your creations took it for home. i’m sorry we keep hurting you, it’s what humans do best.”

[ t h r e e ]

“Days go by, and can't seem to pass. Seasons go by, but us, we are at our last. In the summer sun, I can feel the warmth of your skin. In the crack of dawn, your beauty shines, and I wonder, "where have you been?".  The December rain pours on my head, as I wear your favourite hat. Its protection is worthless, but it's what you always demand. The one you told me suited my cold self, even though your snowstorms were the devil himself. The death of the decaying yellow leaves of love lies in my hand, while the fall of us was at my command. A chilly breeze cuts our ties, which I, of course, have mobilised.  Standing there, you come my way. As the dark of the night sheds, it's almost day. Your lips as soft as a petal, but the irony of your blame is a thorn as hard as metal. Spring your faults on me, I dare you. Will your ice thaw, before I'm through?”

[ f o u r ]

"In a single moment of existence, you experience a thousand feelings of belongingness. As your feet are stuck to the ground, and wind rushes past you, brushing through your hair ever so softly, and the sun hits your deep hazel eyes, shining upon them, when a leaf falls and lands on your shoulder, and you brush it off gently, when a bird flies above you, when you spot a dried leaf on the ground and step on it to hear its crumbling sound, when you walk aimlessly in the street and hear trails of conversation from different people, laughter and cries, cars beeping and motorcycles rushing past you, when you feel so small inside but the street sets you free, when you feel the cage in which your heart resides open, and recognize how large the world is, and how small of an atom in this universe you are, how your sorrows and deepest feelings are just a drop of water in a sea full of life, in this moment of chaotic beauty, and despite your broken heart, you realize you are whole, you realize you exist."

[ f i v e ]

“My little girl, Are you lost? I can lead you to your path if you want.   Why is your head down low?  There is nothing you can't reach if you listen to your inner voice. I can feel that you're freezing cold. So take my jacket and cover your bones.  The sun isn't too bright, but it's bright enough to feel its warmth.  Hold my hand very tight and I'll be your guide.  I'll take you outside and we'll watch the sky.  Hold your head up high and look at the clouds.  You'll see your name written between them, surrounded by birds.  A message from the universe, telling you that there is still hope.  So run my girl, run for miles. Listen to your heart and you'll find your path.  And if you ever hesitate, remember the clouds.”

[ s i x ]

“A sky blue as might, patterned with white and flight covered over the red, yellow and orange reflecting the struggle.  As they marvelled at it, the sky blushed in confusion as it was not the sight to be seen. Instead, it was her; Her back drawn; her eyes excalibur; her smile raw.  That was the brave that had been foretold so the sky would be cowardly no more would show their colours at sunset just like she had shown hers.”

[ F I N . ]