If you're waiting on a sign to speak up, here's your sign to do so.

Planning is always the key in most cases, and what makes a plan strong is timing. However, every plan relies on a number of variables and no plan can be prepared for all. 

ABZ getting arrested was not something that we've all expected, it came as some sort of pleasant surprise to most of us-especially knowing that he allegedly has a relative working in the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate. That being said, it would've been easy for them to predict the time of his arrest and plan accordingly.

The reason some are speculating that it is timed perfectly is the fake testimony. For this testimony to be made this close to when he got arrested and to be made public is really suspicious. It might be a sly ploy on ABZ's part to plant speculations in the society, turn them against the victims and so scare the victims even more from coming forward.

What most people didn't notice, though, is that; if the victims came forward now, their testimonies along with collected solid proofs that the police will be able to get using the help of some victims -especially the more recent ones- will be able to put him behind jars for a long long time and also give the police a reason to look into the fake testimony and add to his sentence if it is proved that this was his doing.

And so, we ask you all, if you were a victim of sexual harassment by ABZ or others. The police will not out you if you do not want to, the police will 100% protect you in this case, especially since it has become a big deal for the public so do not worry, and if you've been blackmailed or threatened know that the police will: 1. protect you, and 2. punish those who are trying to hurt you.

That being said, if you have been a victim of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape or any form of sexual harassment whether it be actions or words that made you uncomfortable, regardless of genders, and want to let out your story or share it, whether anonymously or not, please fill out the sexual harassment survey in our bio as we will try to help you find legal aid, psychological aid and/or help you share your story as part of our sfts against sexual harassment campaign.

Stay strong stay safe, and most importantly don't be afraid; you have us all backing you up.