Polaris, a Guiding Star

Polaris is the Greek name of the Northern star; in case you're wondering what that is, it is the brightest star as some say. Yet it is the star to guide people if they are lost by pointing out the North direction, so basically, Polaris is like a compass for the lost.

Which makes me wonder, since most of us never needed such a star for guidance, whenever we lose our direction in life, whenever you feel lost or astray, who do you turn to for help or guidance?

For me, I'm still not sure if I seek answers by observing people around me and how they carry themselves, or if I look deep inside myself and my head.

I think my Polaris is somewhere within everyone, I do not exactly refer to conscience, but something a bit beyond that.

So if you have a "Polaris" of any kind, what or who would that be?