Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Unfortunately, we all know that it's hard to leave your comfort zone because humans like feeling satisfied and hate feeling uncomfortable. But if you stayed in your comfort zone, especially when you're surrounded by difficulties and problems, you'll end up postponing your life goals which will make it harder to achieve. You'll feel more anxious and nervous. Actually, It's a behavioral space that fits our routines and patterns in which minimizes the stress level and perception of risk. And that's good unless the fear of getting out of it overcome and suddenly we find ourselves coming up with the idea and the belief of not being able at all to break out the comfy coziness.

For real, we should face the truth and that is that we have to be okay with the percentage of risk that exists in every action you are doing no matter what, even if you're unfamiliar with this particular action. Remember that you'll probably fail during your first try. Don't give up. Try again until you make progress. then you'll see yourself in a different way, even your peers will realize the courage that you came by. You'll be more sociable. You will increase your focus, concentration, and you will develop new skills to achieve more than you ever have

In addition, to break the fear and get out of the comfort zone, firstly you should get more in front of the camera, try to make comic videos, and take pictures feeling totally okay with your look and style and showing self-love. Secondly, you should never take something for granted by giving compliments, spending more time apart, tell your partner when they've done something right. Thirdly, switch up your routine, like doing something crazy which you didn't use to do before. Agree to move more closer toward your fears, asking questions that other people don't like, and you can also try to start conversations with strangers and know how they feel and think.

Finally, our comfort zone is just like sweets, when you attain a good achievement you can get into your comfort zone for a while to relax, and then get out of it again immediately to complete the adventures within your journey. Eat sweets but do not eat much!