Up to Fate

I've finally made it to the airport after an hour of driving. My father called to check up on me, so I told him I made it there and hung up the phone. After 30 minutes of waiting for the plane, I heard through the speakers "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen who are waiting for flight number 105843, we're so sorry to inform you that the flight is delayed for 3 hours. Thank you for your understanding." I sighed, for I had to wait for 3 more hours. I called my father to inform him. Now, what am I going to do? The voice of a boy interrupted my thoughts saying "Hey! Can I sit here?" while pointing at the seat next to mine. "Yes of course!" I replied with an exhausted smile. "How are you?!" He said with a bright smile. I'm so introverted but for an unknown reason, I was so attracted to him. I stared at him for a while, observing him quietly. He was taller than me, I could tell from his body shape that he was an athlete, with messy ash brown curly hair, hazel green eyes and light brown skin. "I'm fine, what about you?!" I answered, forcing a smile. "I'm good thanks!" He chirped. Followed by his response, he surprised me with his question: "What's your favourite colour?".
"That's such a weird thing to ask" I sarcastically smiled. 
"No, it's not ... actually, your favourite colour can tell a lot about your personality, even more than your sign tells!". Back then, I assumed that the conversation won't be a short one, and being a talkative person made me carry on. "Black. What about you?" 
"Hmmm, black. That's unique. Mine is black too!" He took in my reply with a smile, and I noticed the perfect dimples beneath his cheeks. The conversation went on for 3 hours, and none of us felt bored for a second.
"So, I guess that's it." he sighed, standing up,
"It was very nice to meet you! Goodbye!" I grinned from ear to ear. I decided to not give him my number and leave it up to fate. As soon as I made my way to the seat on my plane, I already knew I was going to sleep the whole 6 hours of the flight, but hearing a familiar voice sitting next to me altered whatever plan I had in mind. 
"Hi!" the guy I was talking with voiced. 
"Oh my god hi!" I beamed. And so like before, we kept talking for 6 more hours. As the plane landed slowly, we both made a deal. 
"We won't exchange phone numbers or anything, not even our names ... let's leave it up to fate!" He suggested. 
"Okay then, I hope we meet again stranger!".
By the time he left, I had already bid farewell to him, with a huge smile plastered on my face. "I hope we meet again too stranger". And just like that, we turned around, walked away in opposite directions. Life isn't a fairytale, and sometimes we need to let whatever we want go. If it came back, it's ours and if it didn't, it was never ours from the start. I really hope we could meet again ... but are we?