
Why is red a symbol of love and the colour of blood?
Is it because love always hurts?
Why does black represent elegance and darkness?
What is so elegant in our pitch-black stories? 
Why is white the symbol of peace and held up in a war to represent surrender? 
Are we supposed to let go and surrender ourselves to feel peace? 
Why is blue the color of the sea and the sky? 
And they both share a beauty that our eyes can't deny. 
Can you tell me what's the true colour of the sun? 
I couldn't tell because of the many colours I saw in its rays. 
Why are there only 7 colours in the rainbow? 
What is so special about them? 
Why is green so magical?
Its sight is mesmerizing and it helps us breathe. 
Look around you and focus on every detail.
Every colour has a hidden mystery behind its shades. 
Colours surround our daily moments and we never took care. 
There is a mystery about colours that I'm dying to solve. 
So, I'm putting on my detective hat and i'm going to work. 
When I solve this riddle, I'll let you know. 
- A girl who fell in love with colours