Man Searching for Meaning


When I was young I used to search in all the places for my purpose, I knew deep down that I'm not meant to spent twelve years of my youth learning about maths and acceleration only. I was despairingly digging for my true and bigger purpose in life. I wanted to endeavour all of the abrupt opportunities. I remember promising myself when I was eight years old to take whatever life throws at me with an accepting heart and opened arms; for it will direct me into finding my true purpose. After what seemed like forever, I came across a quotation in a book that said,

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein

 It made me ponder and dig deeper about all of the unforeseen anecdotes about passion until I apprehended that you don't get to learn how to be passionate at school or in an accredited program it's ingrained in one's heart since their very first day on earth, waiting to be nourished.

    It'll strike you, spontaneously, when you're staying up late at night allowing the heavenly breeze to awake every cell inside you while doing something you genuinely relish. For once, your eyes will sparkle vehemently with passion and contentment as if you could give an over-flowing stream of affection.