How To Stay Up Late Before Exams -The Right Way-

So, it's exams season and most of us stay up late studying or solving the loads of homework we have piled up from last week. If you ask anyone what to do to stay up late without nodding off and eventually falling into a deep sleep, they'll give you one answer: coffee. 

But, what to do when you cannot take the bitter taste of coffee? Or when you've been drinking coffee every day yet you still fall asleep? Fear no more, this blog right here will solve all your problems!

First thing first:
The Healthy Way!

While studying late at night, try drinking a mouthful of water each five to fifteen minutes. Not only will it help you stay awake because you feel obliged to drink water continuously, but you'll also need to go to the bathroom a couple of times which will keep you awake for sure. 

Coffee The Right Way!
Let's say that the healthy way didn't work, so what about coffee? Even if you cannot bear its bitterness or have been drinking it the wrong way for far too long that it's not efficient anymore, my way will surely solve your problem. The highlight of this blog is my recipe to making what I like to call Choco NesCoffee! Choco NesCoffee is a drink rich in caffeine; it's main components are cocoa powder, NescafĂ© coffee, and any other type of coffee rich in caffeine powdered, personally I prefer Arabic coffee.

So, the ingredients are:

1. Cinnamon powder

2. Milk

3. NescafĂ© coffee

4. Sugar

5.powdered  Arabic coffee
 (or any coffee with high level of caffeine)

6. cocoa powder

You can add all ingredients to taste except for the Arabic coffee, you need at least 1 teaspoon/every medium-sized cup -like the one used in the milk picture.-

How to Drink Choco NesCoffee?
You're supposed to make at least 2 medium-sized cups or 1.5 large cups of Choco NesCoffee/night. After preparing the 2 cups, pour them into a tea pot that can keep it warm and using a small cup, pour a cup for yourself every 15 to 20 minutes, that way the caffeine will stay in your blood vessels the whole night!

Lastly, whether you chose the healthy way or the coffee way, make sure to walk around your apartment for at least 3 minutes every 30 minutes so that your brain would stay active!

That's it for today, hope you enjoyed and benefited from this blog!

*all images are from Google unless stated otherwise, credits to rightful owners.*