"Time Heals"

After doing something which you regret, don't you wish time would go by? But, what for? We say we want time to help us forget our regrets, to start afresh, but is that the real reason? 

Community taught us that time heals, that with time we will forget our regrets and move on, but why do you still have that lingering feeling of discomfort when seeing an old lover? Or that friend whom you loved endlessly until one day they stabbed you in the back? Or that place where you were bullied at back in tenth grade?

It's all because time doesn't heal, because with time you don't forget the pain you went through, otherwise how would you learn from it?  Trust-issues, depression, anxiety, all of these struggles, all of these mental issues, they are all signs that time does not help you forget, yet we still insist on deluding ourselves that after a couple of weeks we'll forget about everything, but we never do.

It's just an excuse. We want ourselves to believe that time heals, no, we want everybody else to believe that time heals so that when they ask us, "hey, you okay with seeing him again?" or "is it fine with you that we hang out there?" you can confidently say, "yeah, it's been years, I've already moved on," but deep down inside you are hurting. You are hurting so much that you have to put on a strong front, you have to smile whenever the person you cannot move on says a joke and laugh louder as it gets dumber, you have to act as if this place brings back good ol' memories and smile as you pretend to be nostalgic, but truth is, that person hurt you and that place brings back nothing but hurtful memories.

That's just who we are; humans, humans who cling on to the glimmer of hope of having a normal social life on the outside even if it means being in so much pain on the inside. We don't care about our mental health, our own stability,  as much as we care about the stability of our social life, and as the world says to move on, we decide to believe that we've moved on when, in reality, we never did.