I remember ..

I remember...

I remember the last time we met, you looked nervous, unable to arrange your words, but when I asked: “Is everything fine?” You replied: “It’s over!” And surprisingly left me.

I remember how many times I phoned you and you didn’t answer; I wanted to know the reason for this action. No bad situations occurred, we didn’t fight, we didn’t even get angry.

I remember the date we had preceding our last, you told me: “My eyes are a pair of islands, you’re its single inhabitant!” I replied with a smile: “I hate being alone, why don’t we unite our islands and become together.” You deeply laughed from your heart.

I remember the way your cheeks appeared when you smiled, I remember how a laugh drew wrinkles around your eye. I loved the way your hair moved when we were on a windy day, your distinctive nose that you hated, I adored it. I knew it’d be a bad day when my sight didn't meet your face!

I remember the way you whispered my name, I suggested recording it to make it an alarm ringtone. I still feel your fingers touching mine, I thought our fingerprints coincided with each other! 

I remember how you treated everyone with so much love and generosity, how you love dogs with a scale exceeding mine. I remember your moments of weakness, I was picking up your tears as if the sky was raining diamonds!

I remember when you asked: “Why do we fall?” I answered: “I’m always beside you, supporting you, like a dam protecting a lovely land from floods, you’ll never fall or drown, but I’ll push you to fall in a lake of  love with me.”

I remember when I told you: “Whenever you say 'leave!' I’ll instantaneously leave.” You didn’t say it, you made it worse. You were my lifeboat that left me on a sinking ship.

I remember my second birth, I believe that anyone is born twice, the first delivers him to life, the second makes him alive, it was when I met you out of the blue. I found a new me with you, without you I lost it!

I remember how you repainted everything around me with colors full of joy and love, then you disappeared from the painting and everything faded into grey!

I remember how I needed to hug you; to make you close to the place where you belonged. I saw us as one, why did you break my wings? I’m Icarus falling from the highest point in the sky, I think you’re my sun that I shouldn’t get so near to!