Surprises in the heavenly green, the dreamy blue and the hazel brown of the world.


photo by risa.

"If there are no ups and downs in our life, it means we are dead’

As I stand on this sturdy mountain, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with power and gratitude. I put my hands on the surface I’m now anchored to and feel the rocks, dust and sand grains massage my palms.

Some areas of this world have been painted green while others have been painted blue or brown. I’d like to think of these areas as peace, grace and power - in that order. All very breathtakingly beautiful, inspiring and empowering.

Moreover, every part of this world fall habitats to the most unexpected of things and natural surprises. The million tiny lives hidden in green forests and gardens, the miracles of the ocean that lie many feet below its claiming waves and the awe - striking natural processes that end in the rocks I stand between today.

Nature is really smart, and I really do believe it resembles our lives. Like on this mountain I stand on today, I can’t help but think about the million cracks present on its ground and the million stories that went on here. The habitats and escape this mountain provides. Our lives have different shades too: the black, the white and the grey. They have surprises at every turn. But ultimately, each detail is undeniably beautiful and each detail turns out to be needed for the full picture to be painted. And that’s why we should walk through life peacefully, gracefully and powerfully. With open hearts and faith. Knowing that every surprise and twist of events we fall under the mercy of has something to teach us or has something that we must feel or experience. Because with everything bad in life, comes something good. Even if it’s hard to see. Even if takes time to show.

We were created as part of this universe. So surely we are as special as the forests, oceans and mountains.