The Pleasant Surprises Of Life.

photo by risa.

Lilac flowers claim the ground surrounding me, drawing a smile on my face. What a beautiful thought it is that everything in this place coexists to paint this insanely unique picture. The green, the lilac, the brown and the dreamy blue skies encompassing it all. All starting from bare ground. 

Did this grass know it’ll have this Prairie Gentian to keep it company? And did those flowers know the many tiny lives they’ll come to habituate? Or did it all come out as pleasant surprises?

Because in a way that’s what life is all about. Pleasant surprises. Some we wait for. Some take us by surprise. Some don’t seem all so pleasant at first. But in the end, they keep life interesting and they keep life worth living. The adrenaline pump of never knowing what exactly can be. 

This is why we should walk through life with open minds and hearts. Peacefully, gracefully and powerfully. All eyes for life’s surprises.

And I know that my lens could make it look as if it only captured a single flower, when in reality it captured a thousand tiny lifetimes and natural cycles. As it always does and as it always will.