The Rosy Path

For this month of December, we present to you the latest instalment of our monthly photo collections, The Rosy Path, by Nour Samir!

Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.” 
― Matshona Dhliwayo.

[ o n e ] 

This world needs some yellow to brighten up these dark days.”

t w o ]

“A rose... 🌹
That stands out in the middle of the garden...
Not because of perfection.
But because of imperfection 🖤

Just like how a broken heart can make you listen to symphonies you never knew they existed💔
Or how the fall..makes you appreciate the warm sun..and warm hugs too🤗
Like how the ice..makes you build a snowman.

Maybe your imperfection can still be perfection to others.”

[ t h r e e ]

“The day started with a beautiful sunny sky. Birds were singing and the pure wind was blowing. All the leaves on the trees were dancing to the rhythm of the wind. Suddenly, darkness took over the sky. Lightning and thunder, rain and dust, wind and fire, clouds and smoke. It didn't seem like one of the fairies magical spells, it was more like an evil instant curse. Heavy footsteps and racing cars were crushing our lives. Everyone around me began to vanish. But here I stayed, stuck to the ground and only little droplets of water touching my skin. I was like a star in the middle of the night. As time passed, a new day has come. The sun has risen and spread its rays. I was standing still, shinning bright, petals so yellow and fresh. Bees came to carry away their honey and people came to exhale my scent. Some grass and friends still surrounded me, but they lost their colour and looked so pale. Now the whole country is whispering something about a miracle that happened yesterday. How did a poor little flower survive a catastrophe? That is my story and I believe that you have your own story, a fight that you've won and people speak about it till today. 
- A survivor

[ f o u r ]

A flower always feels the need to follow the sunlight, just like I always feel the need to follow you. No matter how far you travel; through cities, countries or even worlds, I will always feel drawn to you. Giving up everything one desires just to be with whom their heart desires feels risky, maybe even irrational, but as long as it's you and I, nothing makes sense anymore. Just like a flower survives off of sunlight, I survive off of your sight.”

[ f i v e ]

“People are like flowers. We tend to and nuture them to help them grow and big and beautiful. And like flowers, we may not always be blooming. However, no matter how dark things may seem, the sun will rise and you will bloom again.”

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