Guilty & Victim

trigger warning // racism, rape, suicide.

It was an ordinary day, Mr K was at work when a specialist from his son’s school called, she told him about a fight that occurred between his son and another kid, it'd be better to attend.

As an owner of a startup, his working hours were a bit flexible, he quickly drove his car towards the school, it was 2:00 pm at the time. The traffic jam was being gradually built. The school wasn’t so far from his workplace, so it was easy for him to take the main roads, but to avoid the heavy traffic, he took many back streets to save some time.

While he was turning his driving wheel right and left, he thought about his wife, they were all passing through hard times, which might have affected the manners of his eight-year-old boy.

Suddenly, an adult appeared in front of his car, one he was unable to avoid, therefore he used his brakes as far as he could, but it was too late; the man was lying on the ground with blood coming out of his head.

Mr K didn’t know what happened, everything flashed in a part of a minute, he didn’t also know how all these people gathered and formed this crowd. A man checked the adult’s pulse and claimed that it was weak, another two persons carried the body to put it in Mr K’s car, while a man appeared saying: "I saw the man passing the road without looking, consider me a witness," The other two who carried the body said the same and asked Mr K to move his car quickly to the nearest hospital.

Mr K was in the car with three strangers and almost a lifeless body, it took ten minutes to get to the nearest hospital. He started to think again about his son. By the way, The injured man’s name started with an “A” in his official papers.

Mr K’s son was waiting for his dad in the most silent room in the school, the only noise was only coming from the fan suspended from the ceiling, his lower lip was still bleeding, he nearly lost a sleeve of his shirt, he had a bruise in his forehead and was looking angrily across the room.

The other boy was sitting on a metal chair, the word “bully” was tailored for him. He was much taller than a kid in an elementary school, he was making faces and signalling with his fingers, the mistress in the desk at the middle distance between them said: "Shh."

A dark-skinned man who looked like he's in his late thirties entered the room, who later represented himself as Mr R; the bully’s father. The specialist said that she knows who he is as his child's issues had increased lately and he always came to her office.

At home, Mr R beat his son violently using a stick and a belt, the belt for his body, the stick used for his feet, he convinced himself it was the solution to stop his son from bullying others, but it was the way through which he got relieved. As a narrator, I don’t know what started first, turning his son into a bully or the bullying that he was exposed to at work.

At work, Mr R had many excuses to leave work, every time he leaves, he makes up a story to convince his manager, he can’t tell him that his son is a bully.

Mr M, R’s manager, hated him so much, he always called him with racist slurs, he later called him the deaf man, when R started using a hearing aid. Permitting R to leave was another technique that M would use to humiliate him in the future.

Dear readers, great news! the loop is about to end.

M was always mistreated by Mr A*, the CEO, there were always bad reports about M’s bad leadership and communication skills, therefore his department had the lowest performance results. M delivered a notice of suspension from A*, this paper is useless, but its number is essential. It was the third notice, which means any upcoming undesirable result would fire him with no mercy.

Mr A* also had his issues, he couldn’t sleep well for a month, so went to have a checkup and found out that he had a new visitor to his body, a tumour occupied his right lung. Doctors asked him not to worry about it; as it’s in an early stage.

He kept going to work, even if his physicians advised him to stay at home. He noticed that his performance was not at his peak, this reminded him of the performance graphs of the departments of the company, so he sent the notice of suspension to M, he felt that even if he did a good job last month, he’s a kind of a person that always needs warnings.

A* was prepared for the operation, it didn’t matter to him if he died or lived, what mattered to him was his daughter. He couldn’t sleep when she suffered from this condition; many psychiatrists said it was a shock, but she never talked about that occasion, her life didn’t return as it was before. She took her medications regularly, didn't smile or laugh, closed her gallery, lost her spirit and passion to live and tried to commit suicide several times.

Two months before this day, she was alone at her gallery; as her assistant went out to get some needs. A guy with a strange moustache entered the store, one that she didn’t feel comfortable with his entrance, "he’s just a customer" she told herself.

The talk was normal but in a second it turned towards another direction, she understood what he meant, they were at the darkest point in the gallery, how they reached there, she started screaming, he pushed her to the floor, her head was hit by the solid texture, she became unconscious. Suddenly, she woke up because of a scream, saw her assistant running towards her, then everything went dark again.

Do you remember the guy "A" who was hit by the car in the beginning? He's the same guy who raped A*’s daughter, now the victim turned into a monster. Do you remember Mr K? He's her husband and the boy is her son.

Look into the details, you’ll see KARMA* everywhere!