Lethal Syrup

My soul is drunk.
My mind is getting drained with bloody shameless tears,
as my heart that bleeds toxic scenes.

Hope you can see it through my eyes,
the darkness that you’ve put me in.
The tears I have poured into a once dry river,
filling it up with salty water, mixed with forbidden blood.

The shame inside me following me,
my mirror broken into smaller pieces
by the view of toxicity on my body.
My flowers die when it's spring,
although the sun, trees, blooms, and good breeze are supposed to be alive out there. 

Your hands are still on.
Your lethal syrup got to me. 
Your touch, I still feel it.
I still see you in my nightmares.
I still run from your shadow targeting my freedom.

No consent has been granted,
but my refusal was my screams echoed upon the world,
saying 'no,' but no one was listening
you mute me with your strong fist. 
My eyes have touched yours,
but promising for revenge. 

I’m your lover,
your sister,
your brother,
your daughter,
your son,
your mother,
your father,
and I am you.

I’m the one who has been thrown into a dead world
without knowing where’s my end.
I’m that angel who asked you to leave,
but your devil won and the apocalypse took place.

I’m that baby who has came to the world without you.

I’m the clothes which have been criticised by so many.
and what was their solution but to rip them off along with my skin.

I’m the victim who turned to be the predator.

I’m the place that witnessed your dirty and depraved actions
that you have denied.

I’m that weak who had to be silenced,
with no justification and no justices.

But, I chose to speak.
I chose to be stronger than you. 
I sharpened my nails to make my own way, 
to raise my voice,
to say 'no,'
to look for my right,
to be your nightmare.

I’m the voice that'll chase you till the end,
I’m the person who had to be shamed for being raped or harassed
but, instead, I’m the one who is proudly standing up against the devils,
and taking in everyone’s hand.

I’m the woman, and the man.
I’m the little girl, and the little boy.
I’m the teenager, and the adult.

I am who has been in this lethal syrup, and who is headed underneath the ground.