Rendez-vous for One

Oh hello, once again.

I sat us down to talk today

for lately, we have been feeling disconnected & in dismay;

to each their affairs and their own.

But I see you’ve changed a little -or quite a little; smiling a bit more now, are we?

I too have been getting days of good sleep; my sharp edges have ceased their poking for some time.

Or maybe this river has softened them, for I can finally take space now; my once-absent magnitude.

I even feel the connection between us growing stronger, regardless of the separation pact we have taken.

Be that as it may, we are content, my friend.

After a few seasons of hardships that befell us into some long abeyance, we feel alive more than ever now.

A flow as soothing as green & as radiant as yellow; we can face everything with a simple hello!

Likewise, you smile silly as I do.

 you understand that it was all just a ruse

  • to endure & to bloom
  • for wisdom & for truth;

and it is all past us now.

Now’s the time to rejoice & enjoy the goodness of our ripe fruits.

I have the peace of mind,

and you have the companions of heart.

We are full, or close to so, my friend.