Queen Cleopatra: Afrocentrism or Ignorance?


The recent Netflix docuseries "Queen Cleopatra" has stirred controversy among historians and viewers alike, with the portrayal of the ancient queen as a black person drawing criticism from some who argue that it is historically inaccurate. The debate has shed light on the importance of accurately depicting historical figures and events while also raising questions about the Afrocentric approach to history.

As an Egyptian, I cannot help but voice my disappointment with the misrepresentation of Cleopatra as a black person in the series. Historical records show that Cleopatra was a Greek ruler, not of African descent. The decision to cast her as a black woman is part of an Afrocentric approach to history that is misguided and does a disservice to the true historical record.

While the Afrocentric approach seeks to re-examine the role of African civilizations in world history, it should not come at the expense of historical accuracy. Cleopatra was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty and spoke Greek, not Egyptian. To portray her as a black person is not only historically inaccurate but also disrespectful to her true identity.

Moreover, some argue that the idea of ancient Egypt as a completely black civilization is not supported by historical evidence. While people of African descent undoubtedly lived in ancient Egypt, the population was diverse and included individuals of many different ethnicities.

The controversy surrounding the portrayal of Cleopatra highlights the importance of accurately representing historical figures and events in film and television. As viewers, we must challenge inaccurate depictions of history, even if they are presented in the name of inclusivity or diversity. While the Afrocentric approach to history has its merits, it should not come at the expense of historical accuracy.

In conclusion, the portrayal of Cleopatra as a black person in "Cleopatra in Color" is not historically accurate and is part of a larger debate about the Afrocentric approach to history. As we continue to examine the role of different cultures and civilizations in world history, it is important that we do so in a way that is respectful of the truth and does not distort historical facts to fit a particular narrative.