[0919] Big Dreams, Limited Possibilities

This month of September, we present to you the first-ever instalment of our new monthly photo collection series, Big Dreams, Limited Possibilities
But first, let's meet one of the newest members of sfts, our photographer, Seif Nafea!

"A lot of photographers are here and there, but all that you see is what photographers see through their lenses and took photos of. I am here to introduce the one behind the lens. I am Seif Nafea, an athlete who plays handball at Al Ahly Club, and I'm glad to, by the way. I am an 18 years old guy who likes photography beginning with a phone camera. My goal is to transfer or let others understand what my photos say. It is good to have a unique vision of what surrounds you. And this is what I am working on and developing through my photos. You better keep updated with our content and check my Instagram account @naffeea. Thanks❤📸"

Now, for our collection!

[ 1 ]

"Despite all boundaries, it’s still his faith pushing him to work harder though the eyes speak a sad language, one that’s full of woes and pains, his soul may reflect another image of his unbreakable faith, an image of facing the music of all incidents, of life taking him down a lot yet he’s still pushing harder, hoping for a better tomorrow."

[ 2 ]

"On sand so warm by the morning sun stand the Great Pyramids of Giza, the embodiment of the ancient Egyptians’ everlasting architecture. Surrounding them are people from all over the world, only there to see the massive monuments and to ride the camels! Caring for these camels are hard-working men; they got here early in the morning and they’ve learnt as many languages as they could to ensure that customers from every corner of Earth feel comfortable during their trip and, also, to make enough money for the day until they come back again the next morning, and the cycle continues."

[ 3 ]

"It's a new day, I hope it's better than the one before. A customer just entered.... with a camera? Is he a journalist? I think I should smile. Maybe this could hide the sorrow in my eyes? Or the tiredness in my face? I've been suffering from insomnia for god knows how long but you know what? There's always light at the end of the tunnel. God never fails anyone and I know he won't fail me. 

It’s a new day I hope I get out of this shithole. A customer enters, with a camera? So now I have to smile? Pretend everything is fine? I don’t get paid enough for this. If only I had the chance to be him just for a day? If God just gives me what I deserve? Piles of money, a distress-free mind. If only..."
- Flowerchild.

[ 4 ]

"For you, it may look like a man in his 20s is just happy to be caught in the moment of him doing his job, or project, that is different than most investments we’ve seen till today. However, there’s more to it than that. he’s representing the youth and their dreams. It might not look so big but that’s how all dreams start right? they start out small and unique. It’s extremely evident that with a genuine smile like his, he’s not only glad about giving his now little project a chance into this mess of a country, but he’s also happy to be serving people something different. Something that gives them hope for the future of youth."

[ 5 ]

"On the sidewalk of a street in Egypt stand two guys indulged in their work and taking it seriously. In front of them are multiple plates where they prepare burgers for the passerby to buy. From the bun and the patty to the cheese-sticks and the french fries, the fresh, hypnotising aroma would lure anyone towards their stand, and with flavours as equally haunting as the scents, they always leave you wanting more."

[ 6 ]

"It’s been a while now that he’s singing, music has always been a passion of his. Sweating harshly and letting his fingers slip through the strings of his guitar to play a nice song to the ears of the audience, somedays, he may wonder if those people are aware of all meanings he means behind that particular song, a lot may enjoy it but rarely are those who’d ever notice his little story that’s hidden behind his songs. Trains are going by in the subway and he’s still there, watching the trains go by and the dollars he’s gaining moving playfully because of the air. His eyes may be tired but his love for singing may never be."

[ 7 ]

"The world gave him so little of much, yet he's still holding strong, radiating with lots of hope and an infectious smile.
His clear eyes were blue, like an ocean that kept sinking wrecked ships with every tide.
Those eyes were like portals, gates to a beautiful soul buried in a tranquil named his work.
Because he's not just about a tricycle man, waiting for your tip that'll help him float.
He's about the nights that also inked his past.
Black, permanent but traced with white.
He's a man whose only company is of a tricycle.

That man who'll always wait."

[ FIN. ]