Coping with Exams Season

It's midterm season, the time where students start living on endless supplies of coffe and snacks in order to cram three months worth of information in a week. If that person is you, well, I got you, because I am that person too, so here are a few tips to help get you through exams week as smoothly as possible.

1. Take a breath and accept the fact that you're behind in studying and that this is "akher lahza". Once you fully realise that you really don't have any time to spare anymore you'll start to take it seriously and get more work done than if you avoid thinking about how close exams are, next thing you know the exam is tomorrow and you haven't read a page about the subject. So first step, calm down and and accept that you need to start immediately.

2. Break down everything you have to do. Count how many subjects you have, how large they are, and how many days you have left. Then start breaking them into smaller pieces so that you have only ONE THING to focus on. Put a goal for yourself to get one thing done today and only that one thing, you'll find the chapters getting done faster and easier than if you were scattered all over the place with all your books around you not knowing what you're supposed to finish, and when.

3. Test, test, test. Testing yourself is very important to make sure the information stuck, if you're cramming before an exam you may not have any time to check out past exams, however, you can try answering some questions as you're studying just to make sure you got the idea and fully understand the subject.

4. Once you start studying, the feeling of accomplishment will lessen your stress, so just get started, try to keep your heart in a freezer and don't freak out, because you WILL finish and you WILL ace that exam.

5. Don't overstress yourself and listen to your body. If you need a break take a break. Every now and then get up and walk around to wake your body up, take a bath and wash all your stress away, and most importantly, don't forget to be good to, and feel good about, yourself, it's very important to have a good mentality especially at time of stress.

6. Lastly, do your best. Whether your best gets you an A+ or a C-, what matters the most is that you did your best, and that should make you proud. Now get up, and go get some work done!