New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of the year again, jingle bells playing in the streets, snow falling and wishes being made, it's a merry time of the year that also marks the last 5 days left in the year.
By now, everyone is already writing down their New Years resolutions, trying to compress everything they’ve ever wanted to do into one list, the goals written could be as little as buying that sweater they saw at Pull & Bear, to as great as launching their own company. Well, if you’re writing down your resolutions now, here are a few things to keep in mind / avoid while you’re at it!

1. Keep it simple.
At some point when I used to write my resolutions I wrote down everything I could ever want to do as if I was certain it was my last year, I would look up “movies you have to see before you die” and then list them all, I would write down an unimaginable amount of books I wanted to read, list somewhere I want to travel, and soon it would turn into a bucket list more than just one year’s goals! So, my first advice would be “keep it simple”, write down certain things you want to focus on, if you went on to write a huge number of things you’ll end up not doing any of them, so keep it to the point, list things that actually mean something to you and actual points you want to work on.

2. Don’t be too strict on yourself.
After all, it’s just a list. Don’t write down things such as “lose 30 kgs” “get an A+ in all my subjects” “be fluent in a language I’ve never even heard of”. Of course, these are all great things to look forward, however, they may not all happen, so writing down goals that may not be entirely in your hands may bring you down throughout the year if they’re not achieved. Instead, write down “I’ll try to get an A+ in all my subjects” “I’ll try to lose as much weight as I healthily could IF I need to” “I’ll start learning a new language”, it may seem like an insignificant change, but you’d be surprised at the change of mindset it causes.

3. Keep your mental health a priority.
Always keep your mental wellbeing and happiness on top. Don’t set goals that you know will not be good for you, don’t decide to lose an amount of weight you know you don’t need to lose, instead, focus on loving yourself no matter how you look like, that’s a long term goal that's good for your mental health! If you feel like losing weight will make you feel better about yourself, go ahead, but don’t force it to happen if you really don’t/ can’t do it. Write down a goal to go to therapy and seek help to get better or get through whatever hardships you’ve been going through. Write a goal to start working out to get healthier, physically and mentally. Always keep your mental health a priority, because you’re the only one who will and should.

4. Please don’t list “get a boyfriend/girlfriend” as a goal.
No matter how obvious this is, I see it A LOT. Please remember that finding a partner is never a goal, never a necessity! If it happens, great, if not, then it’ll happen later and now is not the right time! Don’t force situations to occur unnaturally to feed a goal that really is very unnecessary, instead, focus on being enough for yourself. Of course, it gets lonely and all, but don’t make mistakes out of loneliness, there are far more exciting reasons for mistakes.

5. Lastly, don’t make such a big deal out it!
In the end, it’s just a list of things you want to do, and they’re very likely to change, so be open and embrace the changes that happen through the year. If you suddenly decide to learn another language than you intended to, do it! If you change your mind about the career you want to lead then go with it! Life is constantly changing and you have to be dynamic, be flexible towards the changes happening around you and inside of you, and don’t chain yourself to a list.

So, to conclude, just be happy you guys, and have a happy new year✨