
Being called مريض نفسي/a psychopath is like being called a prostitute although you are a one of good manners, and still you don’t know how to prove it. It’s like screaming into the void that nobody could help but act deaf, even those closest to your heart; that numbness you feel whenever you hear that word, its like a rush of adrenaline had control of your whole entire core Yes, I’ve always been called a psycho/مريضه نفسيه, even though I try to keep everything in balance and try to be a headstrong one. A month ago, I was asked, “why do they call you crazy when you didn’t even look like it,” tears flooded my eyes and I cleared my voice as I replied, “they call me crazy because that’s what they want me to be, they call me this because they have got their hopes up with people who traded their love for nothing, that the hope of seeing someone with clear intentions and thoughts became impossible. “Yesterday, one of my newly made friends claimed that I am a psycho/مريضه نفسيه because I tried to keep my promise to her, I tried to cling to the last string of life, making new friends and live as normal as my surroundings, but I ended up losing as always, admitting that I am a psycho/مريضه نفسيه who is meant to be left alone curled up in the corner of miserable writers whose writings aren’t getting through and, still, they are strangled by the chains of loneliness. Don’t call me a psycho, consider that I am a human being just like you, put into consideration that I have feelings.