How A Golden Palace Is Nothing But A Prison

It shimmers, it glimmers, with gold it’s made, a palace all to myself with the most beautiful gold shade. Walk in and see, in what palace you shall be. But don’t let the outer looks fool you, cause once upon a time I was in your shoe.

Confessions of a captive Princess

Our little princess lives in an extraordinary palace, which room walls are made of 24 karats of pure gold, can you even imagine the extravaganza? She has people all around her who try to please her all day long, to a level that she started to feel squeamish. The only image the beautiful young lady sees reflecting those lustrous surfaces, is the image of a girl who is supposed to be her, but she no longer recognizes herself in it. How greedy can she be to be living such a life yet looking for a way out?

Think you know how it feels to be judged by what you have rather than what you truly are?

The princess in the story isn’t greedy nor ungrateful of her belongings. Not even by far, all she wants is to be valued by her personality and not by her net worth. Unfortunately, we live in an era, where monetizing things or even people is a normal daily habit. We judge people by their looks, their mobile phone model, their car or even cars, and last but not least with whom they hang out. So as a princess sleeping over a mountain of gold, she is nothing more than a prize given away at the end of “the winning her heart” tournament. 

But what if we shake all the gloss away, what do you actually love about her? Or in other words what is it that you see in her that made you fall for her? The amount of silence filling the room started echoing somehow …if that’s even possible.

The one thing you need to change to stand out of this materialistic mind you are stuck into is the way you think!

As we all know the stereotype of ” Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!” and “Happiness can’t be bought” we also heard the total opposite like ” I’d rather cry in a Ferrari than being homeless on the streets!” But one thing we really need to change that will have a huge impact on our life is:

Money sure is an important matter that we strive to keep in a constant flow for a better living BUT with no strong, clear and healthy mind you can never achieve your goals. So instead of looking at the things in a materialistic way, look for the strings you can hold on to forever. For example: the soul and its beauty, the mind and its power and the heart with it’s tenderness. These are things you can never buy but only gain by effort and a clear mind. Leave the monetization to where it belongs “work” and don’t bring it back home.

But what does that have to do with the Princess and the golden palace?

On the other hand, is our little princess only looking at the empty part of the glass, she is sad about how people don’t see her for who she is but only for what she has. Although if our princess puts her focus on exposing her talents and making use of them. People won’t only see her the way she wants to be seen but also mesmerize her. Our mind is the most powerful weapon we have, we can use it to either destroy ourselves or to reach our most successful version ever. If only we knew how to use it, and if only it was put more under the spotlight. But that’s the secret of success and who reveals secrets?

Mind-Blowing Facts about our mind are:

  • First of all, we have over 2.5 billion gigabytes of storage, just imagine how much information and memories we can hold on to!
  • Our mind is affected by what we see and feel, so if the outer surface is all you care about, your mind will adapt itself to that too. Change your perspective and your mind will help you accommodate that.
  • 95% of all decisions, take place in the subconscious part of our mind.
  • Exercising is just as good for your body as its good for your brain. YES, those gym rats are doing to both mind and body a huge favor, of course if done within limits.
  • Your brain activity is just as unique as your fingerprint is, so get it working right and stand out.
  •  Reading allows your brain to save the information right away. So instead of being amazed by the latest phone on the market take the time to learn about it and create one of your own maybe.

So, don’t be dull-witted and understand what I am trying to tell you here!

Serendipity of a Gold mine only happens in dreams or movies, but in reality, nothing comes by chance! So, if you want a princess, work hard to love her right, put your effort in making her smile and support her in no matter what she wants! Her dreams might sound silly to you, but at the end of the day they are her dreams not yours. And if you even wanna become a millionaire, just put your mind to it and don’t be fooled by the outer looks, dig deep till you can grasp it in your hand. Nothing feels better than success!