The Stroll.

For this month of June, we present to you the latest instalment of our monthly photo collections series, The Stroll., by Amr Salem!

The best medicine any doctor could recommend is- 
A stroll in the park, 
It’s not only good for the mind, 
But it’s also good for the heart.” 
― Charmaine J. Forde.

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“ما ان يبدا هذا القرص البرتقالى الممزوج بقليل من الصفرة بالبزوغ متمركزًا وراء المبانى الشاهقة، حتى تحيط به السحب فى سلام مريح،كأنه يُعيد للارض رونقها وتوهج روحها من جديد،فتتسلل اشعته الذهيبة شيئاً فشيئا لتصطبغ السماء بلون البهجة المتدرج،كترياق للارواح المتهشمة لترميمها،كتذكير بأن الامل لا يفنى،و ان الظلام لا يدوم،ان شعاع واحد،خافت من اشعته،قادر على اضاءة عالم بأسره يضج بالسودوية. كتدفئة للقلوب بعد ليالٍ  قارصة البرودة كُلِّلَت بالنحيب و الهواجس المستمريْن.تمنح الحياة لزروع الارض مثلما تفعل مع الانسان،الذى تقف اكثر اختراعاته دهاء من كهرباء للمصابيح ذات الضوء الاصطناعى،عاجزة امامها بلا ادنى فائدة فتصبح مجرد ظلال كغيرها وقت الظهيرة. هى رقيقة وقت الضحى،تنظر اليها مباشرة لتنعم كل خلية فى جسدك بأشعتها فى اطمئنان،وعلى النقيض فلظاها يحرق من يحاول فعل هذا فى ظهيرتها. تساءلت مِرارًا كيف من الممكن لحدث يومى،متكرر لاملحوظ تأثيره بالنسبة للبعض ان يكون بمثل روعة وسحر شروق الشمس،او لنسميه "اعادة احياء الارض"،ولكن لم أحصل على اجابة مستوفية،وظل السؤال معلقاً فى الهواء.”

t w o ]

To me, nature resembles hope. Hope of growing into myself unbothered with my environment. The sunlight gracing the trees under an ocean-like sky is the epitome of beauty. May you never grow blind of seeing the hope and beauty that encompass us by simply just existing.”

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“I gave you this flower to remind you of how fierce I can be or how lively I can get just like how vibrantly this flower glimmers in the sun. I gave you this flower to let you know that I won't always be so high-spirited and full of life  I can be bitter from time to time, just like how the stem of this flower digs its thorns into your flesh when your hands clench it. This flower is here to tell you I can be soft and fragile, I can be so vulnerable and transparent to see through  just like these delicate petals so delicate they need lots of care and comfort sometimes  please handle me with gentleness  and when you do you'll find yourself taking care of this flower.”

[ f o u r ]

“Picking me up just to be given to the girl you loved sounds kinda painful But as long as your smell is just the same as mine as well as my nectar would be your favourite perfume most of the time I think facing pain isn't that bad, worries isn't needed, everything is gonna be fine.”
 Jana Amin.

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"If you were born into an environment that’s dull and ugly, cut down your roots. Remove the sense of belonging to it from your brain and never look at it again, then create beauty out of the ugliness you had to endure. Let your old tears be the water that makes flowers bloom from your scars. Do your best to be someone that future you will thank."

[ s i x ]

“My mom held my hand throughout the very first doctor appointment I ever had. I held her fingers ever so gently as if I am holding a glass sculpture. I glanced at her hazel eyes, the love inside made me dizzy ‘Mom, am I going to die?’  She looked down at me with wrinkles forming at the edges of her eyes from smiling so openly at me. ‘Why would you say so darling?’ She whispered. ‘Because my stomach has a bobo?’ She laughed out loud with a voice that made birds jealous, she reached down and lifted me to sit on her knees. ‘No sweetie, you are not dying. You just have a small bobo, when you take the medicines you will be fine and shinning as ever, just like the sun’ I looked down at my yellow sundress, with all its flowers and leaves painted with perfect strokes and flawless paint. ‘Is this why I am wearing yellow today?’ She tucked my curls behind my ears and whispered ‘ yes so you can remind yourself that you still will shine and brighten up the world even if you are sick’. And ever since that. Yellow has been my favourite colour ever. I wear yellow in my darkest nights to remind myself that I will still shine, I will go through it. I wear yellow to make the sun jealous, Ha! I am shinning brighter than your sun!”

s e v e n ]

The yellow petals that lie on the grass take the attention away from the beautiful landscape. The atmosphere is calm and collective causing the purple and soothing aura to loom over the flowers in a pacifying tone. Glancing at the environs, I feel unbound like a bird who just learned how to fly.”

[ e i g h t  ]

“A sunset is the reflection of the beauty of the sunrise.”

[ n i n e ]

“Isabelle: This world is erratic. One day you are at the very top of Mountain Everest, and the other you’re at the very bottom, under the soils of The Bangdui Dairy farm. The hilarious thing is, you’re still in China anyway. With all the ups and downs here in China, we stayed side by side, we were always two feet apart. Going through hell and heaven together. When it was raining cats and dogs and when the whole town was sun-kissed. Until she decided to make it a 15 km distance. To her being alongside a cloud and me watching her while my neck hurts because she’s too high. She decided to leave. It’s easy to leave, isn’t it? To throw it all behind and decide not to fight anymore. To finally realize that you don’t have to gasp for breath and fight, you could just inhale and run. You could just break free and introduce yourself to the world of peace, the one with no fighting, not for anything nor for anyone. She was never that indolent person, the one that chooses the easier option, but she is now. She always told me to get back to the “why I want this, why am I fighting for this” when I feel like i am giving up. It seems like our why wasn’t convincing to her anymore. It’s excruciating watching her in the sky moving away, getting farther and farther, however, we were two feet apart one day. Within every few miles driven away, a piece of my heart melts to death, and trust me, it aches. She’s apparently way higher than me now like she always was. A shining star... Whether she’ll be in a coffee shop one day or at a picnic. Drinking coffee or a milkshake. Whether she’ll be with her new friends or with her new lover. Whether it’s two feet apart or kilometres away. She’ll always be my very dear Isabelle. That’s why I have to let her go..”

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"With my heart I feel,
and with my eyes I see,
small petals in the colour of the sun,
small petals in the colour of gold
small petals in the colour of my heart and soul,
the colour of warmth,
the colour of luxury,
the colour of a life I wish I had."

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