Just because I love you, I let you go

I opened the store at 9 AM just as I do every day. My flower shop has been running for 3 months now. To be honest, this is the best decision I've ever taken. I've loved flowers and planting ever since I was 3. After cleaning the floor, I went and sat in front of my computer. I saw that I’ve got five more online orders since yesterday and took a mental note to prepare them later. I drank my coffee as I watched the flowers after they’ve been watered. I then noticed a kid, around 10 years old, in front of the best and tallest sunflower in the store. I went and sat on my knees next to him.

"Can I take it?", he said with a cute smile.

"Well, you should know that if you cut it dies", I said gently.

"But it's so beautiful and I want it!", he said in a sad tone.

"I know kiddo, but it will only stay this beautiful for five days at best after it’s cut then it will die," I said without any reaction on my face. The kid frowned. I looked at him, he was a beautiful boy. He had brown hair, blue eyes, white skin and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. You could tell he’s going to be so handsome when he grows up.

"Hey, listen”, I told him when I noticed tears in his eyes. He looked at me. "I don't know if it's too early for you to know this, but in life, you're not going to get everything you want. Yes I know it's just a flower, but you have to think about it too! Don't you like it?", I asked.

"Yes! A lot!" the boy answered.

"Then, maybe you can't take it, but you can come here every day and watch it and maybe I’ll let you water it too! I promise you, I will never sell it. That way the flower won't leave its family and friends and you won't lose it too!" I said with a smile.

"So the flower will be happy?”, the boy asked innocently.

"Yes! What's your name so I can write it on the pot?", I said.

"Jake," the boy said.

"Okay Jake, any last words for the flower for today?" I replied peacefully.

"I love you enough to not take you away from your family or hurt you. So just because I love you, I'll let you be free!" The boy said waving me goodbye and getting out. Maybe I taught the boy a simple lesson, but I'm sure he understood the lesson well. He has to understand that sometimes because you love something or someone, you have to let them go.