Stone age

I opened my eyes to a modern free life where people around me understand their duties and what’s wrong and right. I grew up with a family who taught me to be who I am and to respect others’ mentality. In my short journey, I’ve faced a lot of obstacles from people.

Hey, I’m different. I have to act differently and to look around before doing anything. I have to listen to people’s talking and judges which are meaningless to me. My clothes are the qualifications of my breeding and respect. I have to take precautions because of people and not from God. I have to end my dream to find a responsible man to carry me on with luxuries with our up-coming kids.

Hi, I’m a girl. A girl which the society considered her to be a maid to a man along with the kids. The society has gotten me the idea that the other gender is free and my gender is cuffed. I look around and see that they are calling my mom and other women by their son’s name, not by her name or by her daughter’s name because they have the fear of females. I’ve seen a man driving with cigarettes in his hand heading to the club where he sees every girl in there a whore and a fatty meal to be eaten. I’ve seen his judgmental parents look at a smoker who is a girl and saying how much they disgrace her for doing that. I’m online and noticed how people blame females on the males’ mistakes with them. Harassing, raping, and all of those stuff by their means is my fault, not the guy’s fault.

I’m stuck between two communities, my family and the surroundings. My family taught me to wear what I want and that a girl has the same rights like a guy so that I express myself with confidence to the society in order to be shown as a successful mark-land. On the other hand, the surroundings told me that I’m not religious and out of nature; in addition, success belongs to men. I told them it’s not my mistake that nowadays you don't raise a man with his qualifications to respect women and who’s responsible enough to give his daughters freedom like the normal fathers do. They said you’re abnormal and extra-open. However, they are not religious or educated enough to raise their sons with limits and with respect. I’m in a society where I can’t express myself. I’m in a one which made me hate that I was born a girl. The society which has told me to hide my beauty. People who love to make measurements to the religions and choose a one when it’s needed. People who remember God only in harsh situations and forget to pray for the rest of the year. People who think that they are living in a stone age where they kill and cuff the girl instead of limiting the guy. Both of us have to be limited not me only. I’m not a prisoner or a slave. I’m not somebody’s mother, daughter, sister or partner. I’m not a mistake. I’m who I am. I’m the spirit of freedom who has no qualifications but my personality. I’m not a body to be looked at but a human to communicate with and love her inside beauty.

I’m free from your toxic minds.