The Magical Door

I was wandering alone when I noticed how empty the streets were, no cars and no pedestrians! Even the street dogs and cats disappeared, where had everybody gone? Why was I feeling cold? It was still summer, I’ve either gone deaf or I could barely hear my footsteps, no sounds!

I felt as light as a feather, I was running, I was actually flying, my feet were not touching the land. I told myself, if it’s a dream, live it, as the lights were getting darker gradually. At the end of my path, I found a huge building blocking my way, a lit door faced me and I didn’t know the source of its light, but I decided to hold the door handle with no fear. I rotated the circular handle clockwise, and in no time, I was in.

Stairs! I was astonished. I was in a narrow, moistened room that looked like a basement, and I noticed the stairs confronting me. Suddenly, I felt as if the walls were getting closer to me; there was someone or something pushing these walls towards me, and I was a mouse in a trap. Having no other solution, I had to go up these stairs to avoid being crushed by the walls.

I ran as fast as I could, but my legs were heavier than usual. While I was running, I noticed paintings fixed on the coming walls, a baby with his mother, a child with a big smile on his face and a kid who sits silently at the corner in class. I focused on the paintings, observed them patiently and slowed down, it’s me! All the paintings are scenes taken from my life.

I started running again, there was no time, I was Alice’s rabbit who always looked at his watch. Pressure was coming from all directions, I should reach the end or the walls would destroy my stairs and kill me. The stairs looked infinite, I was tired, memories compressed me, time was running in a race with me, it was about to defeat me and I was about to give up. I took the decision to jump, so this ridiculous play can stop, I took a deep breath, my mind was clear and I stood above the hand rail, I thought about a nice memory that made me smile then closed my eyes and jumped.

It was a strange feeling, I opened my eyes and I wasn’t falling downwards, I was elevating upwards in the air. The walls stopped moving, I was getting lighter; I was a spaceship with a known destination, I could see light beyond the infinity stairs. I was flying, to infinity ... and beyond!