One-dish Restaurant


What do we know about the difference of opinion other than when the difference is at the dining table and every person on it criticizes a certain type and favours the other? How can a person be independent with his opinions and express them in his personal and public life without fear or restrictions that prevent him from doing so if he doesn't harm anyone or his opinions are non-hostile? Let's go back to the dining table, where is the problem if someone eats what he wants, criticizes what he wants from the dishes that the other person prefers and who also criticizes the others' favourite dishes, while each of them has a different opinion. What if you enter a restaurant and you want to order a specific dish, but the waiter comes with another dish and tells you that you must eat from this dish because it is the best and you will eat it even if you don't like it, are you going to eat or will you stand in protest against the imposition of the waiter's opinion? What if he tells you that if you don't eat this dish, you will be punished, will you eat to avoid punishment? Or will you ask that the punishment be abolished if you do not eat? Or will you ask for the punishment to be abolished and to add your favourite dish to the list? Is this a restaurant that you want to eat from throughout your life, or would you go out to look for another restaurant that guarantees that you will eat your favourite dish and eat what you want as well? You may say, what is this craziness?! Are there any such restaurants? No, rather, there are societies like this. There is one opinion that is correct and you must follow, cast your opinions in your core and say nothing about them. Journalist Asma Al-Shaifi has said: “How do I live as a person while I'm not free, and how do I live free and there are unknown agendas that possess my destiny?” Throughout history, there have been wars that have only taken place to impose opinion, regardless of this type of opinion, and until now, our region suffers from wars of imposing opinion and suppressing difference and other opinions. The surrounding countries were destroyed because of that, and finally, they resort to the countries of opinion and the other opinion, will you ever be a customer of a one-dish restaurant?