Self-love Is The New Forever

We always hear the phrase "you deserve to be loved," 
let me rephrase that, how about "you deserve your own love and affection the most."

Self-love is a state of appreciation for one's self. It's every action you decide to take while taking care of your physical and mental growth. It's when you decide to put your needs first and when you realize that your well-being is way more important than pleasing anyone because, at the end of the day, all you have is you. 

In fact, learning to love one's self gets you to know how to react to the world around you. Loving yourself puts you on the right track because once you know your actual worth, you start acting on it. You won't find yourself waiting around for someone else to prove to you how beautiful you are, or how you don't deserve the unfairness that was done to you. 

Let's explore together ways of self-love:-

1. Take good care of your body

Yes, love starts from the outside to the inside, you need to think about how you treat your body, what you're doing wrong and start to fix it. Healthy body = Healthy mind.

2. Track your thoughts 

Your thoughts are self-destructive as your mind is working against you most of the time. Notice your thinking pattern and spot self-blaming and self-hating thoughts. Track, spot and expel.

3. Stop comparing 

Stop comparing your present self with your past self, stop comparing the people you have with the people you lost, stop comparing the life you're living with the life you thought you were going to live and start accepting and loving things as they are.

4. Don't give up on yourself 

We all know that trying is exhausting. It makes us think that none of this is worth it, but once you stop trying, you also stop being who you are and who you are is always worth trying for.

5. You don't need their approval

Not everyone will love the real you. This is a fact we need to live with. You were not created to please the world. Be okay with not getting the reaction you thought you were going to get.

6. Take time for you

Go to your favourite place, drink your coffee and sit alone with your thoughts in a cool, cosy atmosphere and don't forget to have a good time.

7. You don't need to climb Everest 

Our mind is always pushing us to act in a certain way in order to gain our own self-respect. You need to love yourself even if you're sitting on your couch eating Doritos and doing absolutely nothing good at all. Love yourself in all shapes, phases and situations.

8. Forgive and don't forget

Start forgiving yourself for your past mistakes but don't forget the things that have made you a better you.

9. Accept the change

"People change," you're one of those people, therefore, you are changing too. Learn to accept the changes that are happening within you and around you.

10.  Always come back

No matter how many times you take a step or a million steps backwards, always come back to your true self. Do not forget the person that is you. Always come back to you.