Looking For Eve

It's getting dark quickly in here, everything became different since the big fall; I can feel more, every touch, every object my eyes see, every breath I take, they're all well-felt. Of course, I miss Eden, but I've always felt that I'm in a foggy place there. I know it's gorgeous, but at the same time I can't remember it well; my memory might have been affected by the fall, however, when I fell asleep, I see myself there. I'm carrying part of Eden in my mind, but it's like a box that I only get its key in my dreams!

Hunger, that's the new feeling I'm getting used to here. In Eden, I ate for pleasure and nothing more, but the need that newly appeared here is bothering me a little; it pushes me to move and walk around, to find many fruits and vegetables that might be edible. I'm still discovering the place, seven moons have passed over me till now, but I have a feeling of emptiness... maybe loneliness is the right word!

I touch my ribs, now I'm feeling the pain of loss. I can't find the reason for our separation. We both know that we're on earth, but we fell separately. We both committed the sin, if we stayed together, would we do more sin? I think God wants us to find each other, but he obviously wants us to feel lonely, to behave well in the future, it's a primitive conclusion!

Eve! She's a part of me, that's what I know, and the scar is good evidence of this, however, she actually completes me, we didn't talk so much in Eden, nevertheless our eyes did that perfectly, do I really need her? Of course! I love the way we think together, it doesn't always lead us to the right route, but the whole sharing ordeal is the purest thing God has gifted us with.

I felt hungry, and my storage of food has nearly ended. Now I should take a new tour for more fruits. During every tour, I look at every detail in the place. It's beautiful, this big light that spreads its rays everywhere, the sound of water flowing through rivers, the blue sky, the green fields, the fresh air. I think life here is not a bad idea at all.

Then I find a tree, it looks the same as the one that led to our departure from heaven, my heart tells me that I’ll find her there, Eve, with her milky skin and blacks eyes. She was there looking at me, we didn’t talk till night came as we sat under the shade of the tree, I asked her to look at the sky, pointed towards a bunch of stars that formed away, told her, "those stars are the ones you stepped on during our fall, and that made them look like as milky as your skin." These were my first words, she smiled showing her bright teeth asking, "have you missed me?"