
On a very cold day, way too cold that it should’ve snowed, I came across an Instagram post that said, “write your own poem for how your January feels like.” My thumb left the screen alone so my eyes could get a chance to reread the post enough times till it made sense to me.

January. what does my January feel like?

Curled up, wrapped in a fluffy blanket, warmth radiating all the way through my body and directly to my heart, the hot chocolate in my hand is definitely the reason. Or is it my best friend’s smile at 10 pm on a tiring day? Yes, that is it. No, wait, maybe it's his hazel eyes and the little green specks splashed by his irises loving me silently. I guess it is all of them combined in one warm feeling.

Giggles erupt from the girl who shares my genes, my face and my humour as she nuzzles in under the covers to cuddle up next to me, forgetting how ticklish she gets when she’s that close to another person. Waiting until 4 am just to feel that cold January night then woke up the following morning head dizzy, eyes sleepy and hating myself for staying up till 4 am.

Laying down by the lake with a new book in hand, having a reading marathon lets go bookworms, pretending it’s summer in my head and replacing the wind harshly fluttering my pages with a slight breeze and sunshine. Night rides with a scarf wrapped around my shoulders, and my hand interlocked with another twice the size of mine, but somehow feels like an intact home full of fuzzy teddy bears and freshly made cookies.

The rush of anxiety as I hurl around the room trying to gather all the notes I can find to make up for the lazy days I preferred to lay in bed instead of going to uni. Cussing myself for being lazy, because now I’m on a loop of studying what I missed as I start running away from the big bad monster, exams.

January feels different for each one of us. No matter how everyone feels about this month of fresh new starts, there are a few similar feelings that extend from one person to the other. The feeling of warmth, love, laughter, anxiousness, coldness, and laziness. familiarity. It's all there, in every one of us.

We all experience January differently, but at the end of the day, we’re all living the same January.