Charm Thee

I was a fool. Fool for your charm and your lied eyes.
Fool for the sweetness of the talks.
I am a zany.
I’ve played a game which I didn't know that it does exist.
My mind warned me but my heart gave me the pass.
Heaven is locked down and the devils are on the ground.
BUT I didn't know that the only escaped angel was me.
I was innocent and followed thee through the dark.
I always traced you by your music which no one could listen to.
My eyes were blinded. My dreams made on.
So that I loved to sleep.
You broke me into pieces and threw them away into your soul.
You left me in the middle of the ocean without any help.
and you were always my hero surviving me.
I shouted, I cried and I screamed into the air looking for someone but you weren't there.
I’ve waited every second, min, hour, day, year but you didn't show up.
My darkness coloured me blue.
My blue coloured you with hate.
The hate that I will always love to feel.
Your greed was trash which I used to see love.
What you’ve done wasn’t less but not enough.
Not enough to end these butterflies flying around.
I wasn't yare.
Young, I am strong. Stronger without you.
Thee were always what I am looking for at the end of the day. Thus, I see no one but me.
You played... I left... I cracked... I survived me...
NOW I am stronger than ever to get you for revenge.