Merry Christmas

A colourful festive that starts from the 25th of December counting for 12 nights, bringing joy for billions of people worldwide.The twinkling lights raiding the streets, the tall green trees that is decorated by colours chosen out of excitement.The act of giving and good deeds seem to be the additional trinket to this Holliday.Where as, all bad memories fade with the thought of a loved one or an old friend and it seems that the only thing that is essential is putting a smile on their faces. The coming together of all family members far and near, the holy occasions held in churches and the silent prayers hoping for these days to continue. Nothing beats the sight of watching children struggling to sleep as they await for Santa Claus, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, hoping that he is like how they imagined him. In addition, to anxiously waiting the surprises gives and whether they were naughty or not. All in all ,with the countdown for the new year, with every smile and warm hug in each house, even for those Longing for their loved ones. Christmas is a festive that is not only religiously meaningful, but could be the only time in year where a person find a place for their calmness, grace and love.