Lying next to a tree in despair, A young man whose soul hovering the skies of wonder, where doves flying with heavenly wings drawing lines of art. In a plac…
I am sometimes a hundred times lost as if my peace counter lost its counting pace. I'll be thinking why a person won’t choose peace over retaliation. I'…
For this month of December, we present to you the latest instalment of our monthly photo collections, The Rosy Path , by Nour Samir ! “ Roses do not bloom hu…
Remember the day we fell for each other? When rains filled our pockets and hearts drowned in passion. When light began to shine in our depths, And clouds of …
I guess each one of us got an uneasy story of growth folded within the plethora of layers making up our souls. Chaotic, awkward, lonely, too loud, too quiet —I…
To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; is not as easy as everyone says it is. Some people pretend they are always truthful, however, the…
Here are films that affected me greatly and still manage to surprise me with their excellence; the epitome of filmmaking. I consider them to be masterful in te…
The air around me is seemingly cold, fold by fold. To me, it gets old, yet is new as the rising sun’s dew. When I think of people, my mind wanders off on h…
كتيير مننا بيحس أنه ملوش قيمة و ملوش لازمة و جايين الحياة ديه غلط ، مش كدة ؟! مين مننا بيحس أنا فاشل ؟ فشل فى كل حاجة و كل أختيراته ! كام واحد مننا خلاص ، فقد …
Picking up the brush Looking at an empty canvas The endless possibilities They say the only limit Is your imagination Trying to reach perfe…
I can’t find something special to write about, Maybe I’m suffering from a kind of depression; I eventually read too many papers and studies about mental health…
Some people have dangerous mindsets, and by that I mean that their minds put them in difficult situations. Whether or not these situations are real or just ins…
كان يوما من أيام الشتاء الممطرة، الأمطار التى تأتى مرة وأثنتين بالعام وتغرق الأخضر واليابس كنت حزينة ويثقل قلبى الهم الثقيل عقلى مشغول بأشياء لا تعد ولا تحصى، …
It’s been two moon cycles since my skin touched yours, and ever since then it’s like you set my skin on fire and the only thing that can extinguish it is the t…
Have you had a feeling of spookiness yet? It is just an early reminder of HALLOWEEN! So, what to do this October for Halloween? Did you decide on a character …
مهما عملت، عمرك ما هترضى الناس كلها. إرضاء الناس غاية لا تدرك! متحولش تكون حد تانى غير نفسك، على طبيعتك، بأفكارك الغريبة المجنونة و بكل حاجة فيك، متتغيرش عشان …
As she walks in the street, she feels the eyes of every person passing by examines her demeanor and poise. They look at her clothes and ask how much did they c…
What do we know about the difference of opinion other than when the difference is at the dining table and every person on it criticizes a certain type and fa…
Are you sure you want to restart this life ? We always pass through hard times that leave us in bad conditions, as if we were in a fight, I think struggling wi…